
we are using iText in our application to create signed PDFs successfully. At 
the moment we are using a self-created certificate, we have created it with the 
Java keytool.

Everything works fine, but (of course) if you open the document with Acrobat 
Reader there is a warning, that the certificate ist not known. Our goal is, to 
avoid this warning without configuring anything within the Adobe Acrobat Reader 
(e.g. an new CA).

We have two problems with that:

1. We have created a certification request like described in 
http://itextpdf.sourceforge.net/howtosign.html#howtocertify. Then we tried to 
contact Verisign - but no one at Verisign can tell me, which application I 
should use. I tried a normal SSL-certificate, but the import in the keystore 
does not work. Does anyone has an idea, where to put the certification request, 
so that I get a valid answer ?

2. In the AcrobatReader 8 we are using, there is only the AdobeRoot-certificate 
importet - not even Verisign. So am I right, that the warning is still there, 
if I am using a Versign-cert ? I think I have to use the Adobe-cert, right ? I 
don't want to import an new certificate or to configure the AcrobatReader to 
use the Windows-certifications.

Short : What is the easiest way to get rid of the warning ?

Thank you very much,

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