Add a TextField, it will work.


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sascha Fuchs
        Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 9:34 AM
        To: Post all your questions about iText here
        Subject: [iText-questions] Add AcroFields with PdfStamper and
find theyagain with PdfReader



        I try to add hidden AcroFields to existing pdf documents.


        // Create Acrofields with number of stamps

        PdfFormField stampfield =

        true, // multiline

                    false, // password

                    0); // Maxlength of field - 0 = unlimited




        stamp.addAnnotation(stampfield, 1); //
stamp.getWriter().addAnnotation(stampfield) gaves an exception for wrong



        On stamped pdf I can see with text editor that "" with
"my_value" have been written. But if I open the pdf document again with
PdfReader and ..


        AcroFields acroFields = inPdf.getAcroFields();

        String myvalue = acroFields.getField("my_field"); // returns


        .. I can not get "my_field".


        What did I wrong? How can I get my acrofields?


        Maybe a hint: On the book "iText in action", Chapter 15 I found
how to add AcroField with PdfWriter (but there is no example for
PdfStamper); In Chapter 16 I found how to modify existing AcroFields
with PdfStamper (but no example how to add a new field).


        Thanks in advance.


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