Hi ,

I've downloaded the latest version of itext and built it ie 5.2.2 and have an 
issue with bullet points and ordered lists  in pdf document generation.

I have a html document which I generate a pdf from using the HTMLWorker to 
parse the html.

sample html :


    <li><span style="font-family: Arial;"><strong>This is in bold 

    <li><span style="font-family: Courier New;">Italic Courier</span></li>

    <li><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><u>underline</u></span></li>


Bullets:<br />


    <li>First bullet</li>

    <li>Second bullet</li>

    <li>Third bullet</li>


With Itext 2.1.7 version the above html generated a pdf with the numbers for 
the <ol> elements and bullet points for the <ul> elements.
But for IText 5.2.2 the bullet point symbol and the numbers in the list don't 
appear in ther pdf document.

eg  2.1.7 IText produces this :
1.This is in bold Arial.
2. Italic Courier.
3. underline


* First bullet
* Second bullet
* Third bullet

vs 5.2.2 Itext Produces this

This is in bold Arial.
Italic Courier.

First bullet
Second bullet
Third bullet

Is this a known issue with IText 5.2.x? Note when I debug this the list symbols 
are present after the HTMLWorker parse and the PDFDocument Class sets the 
symbol in the pdfline class  when processing the ListItem but then appears to 
overwrite the list symbol during further processing.
So in the PdfDocument Class in the flushLines api this code is bypassed since 
the list symbol is null ?

if (l.listSymbol() != null) {
                ColumnText.showTextAligned(graphics, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new 
Phrase(l.listSymbol()), text.getXTLM() - l.listIndent(), text.getYTLM(), 0);


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