There's a problem with your text creation, you have a \n at the end.
It's invisible in Acrobat 7 but Acrobat 8 decided, quite correctly, to
render it as an unknown character.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of hanspeter schlapbach
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:46 AM
> To: hanspeter schlapbach
> Subject: Re: [iText-questions] adobe 8 and iText1.1
> hello
> a customer has a java-webapp which produces 
> server-based-pdf-documents 
> via iText1.1 by (based on itext-paulo-142)
> viewing those pdf-files with acrobat and acrobat reader ver. <= 7 all 
> went well (within browser ie/ffox)
> some days ago we made a test with acrobat / acrobat reader 8:
> viewing the same pdf-file shows on significant difference:
> in text-fields with more than one line (i.e. with CR/LF) at 
> each end of 
> the line is a small square-symbol printed (visible on screen and on 
> print-out)
> we reported this to adobe tech. supp (switzerland /germany), but they 
> gave just a bit an arrogant answer:
> "pdf generated by iText, it is not our problem"
> my question:
> do you have an idea, where this effect comes from? it must have 
> something to do with acrobat, since all went well before version 8
> thany you
> hanspeter schlapbach

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