The three windows standard fonts (arial, times, courier) from win2000 up
support all the west and east charsets, turkish, arabic, hebrew and a few
more. For them to work in iText make sure that you chose the Identity-H
encoding. If it still doen't work post your test string (in \uxxxx notation
please) and the way you are defining the font.

Best Regards,
Paulo Soares

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 4:21
> Subject:      [iText-questions] Is anyone from Poland or Turkey?
> Hi All,
> I am from India.
> Currently I am involved in creating a PDF report in  Turkish, Polish using
> iText.
> I am in need of TTF files that support bold, bolditalic, italic, and
> underline for the above mentioned languages.
> I use Win 2k. As previously mentioned by Paulo Soares, I tried with those
> TTF files that are in winnt/fonts directory.
> But it threw junk characters on the report I generated. Certain special
> polish and turkish characters never came in the report in a proper manner.
> Hope that if I have the necessary TTF files, I will overcome the problem.
> I tried my level best to search for these files across the Internet. But
> never I found any site.
> If anyone knows, please let me know the name of the web-sites from where I
> can download.
> Also if anyone has these files with you, please pack them in zip format
> and
> send it across.
> I shall be very grateful and beholden to you.
> Your help in this regard shall be remembered with gratitude.
> Thank you very much.
> Aravind
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