I have found that I am unable to use Ivy to add the dependency
org.apache.flume/flume-ng-sdk, version 1.4.0. It gets tripped up trying to
pull org.apache.thrift/libthrift with a literal version of
"${thrift.version}". I'm writing to this list first because I have tried to
use it with some other systems that do maven-ish dependency management (mvn
itself and leiningen) and they had no problem with it. Ivy is unable to
process the dependency even on the command line outside of any project.

output of "java -jar ivy-2.3.0.jar -debug -dependency org.apache.flume
flume-ng-sdk 1.4.0": https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7797344

Please let me know if there's any other information I can provide.


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