Re: How to publish additional metadata with an artifact that is needed at retrieve time

2014-01-28 Thread opatry
Hi, If I understand your needs, you want to store some properties alongside your binary modules in the repository so that you can use them when retrieving your binaries. You don't necessarily have to zip your binaries when publishing them, you can push the properties file near your other

Re: Preserving folder structure in Ivy

2014-01-22 Thread opatry
Hi, is your Directory1 something relevant according to your module? or just an input/output directory that can be named anything? For the en/jp, you can use extra attributes ( to reference the language of your HTML files. You'll then

[request] Ivy standalone reference to ivysettings.xml from HTTP

2014-01-21 Thread opatry
Hi, the standalone options of Ivy allows to refer the ivysettings.xml from a file using the -settings option. My question is: why can't we refer to a URL? (as in Ant) Most of the time (AFAIK), the ivysettings.xml will be shared across a whole company and an easy way to do so is to share it

Ivy macrodef doesn't support properties references?

2014-01-21 Thread opatry
Hi, I was wondering if it is a bug or a limitation of Ivy macrodef, but I can't reference properties declared in the ivysettings.xml in my macros. When doing so, the output of the resolution displays ${myproperty} instead of its actual value which indicates that the macro didn't expand it. Is it

Using [status] in artifacts pattern

2014-01-21 Thread opatry
Hi, currently, it is not possible to use the module status as an artifact pattern (as described here: but we can use any extra attribute to complete this list. My questions are: * why [status] isn't available? * how can I

Re: Ivy artifacts promotion using publish + delivertarget

2014-01-20 Thread opatry
Hi again, To be more precise, the workflow describe in this SO page is almost what I expect: But, it can't understand how the delivertarget can manage multiple sources of repositories (the modules

Re: Ivy cache doesn't handling extra attributes as expected

2014-01-17 Thread opatry
Hi, thanks for your answer, it solved my problem. I was expecting the cache layout to be the one of the resolver used. Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the

Ivy artifacts promotion using publish + delivertarget

2014-01-17 Thread opatry
Hi, I try to handle artifacts promotion through Ivy. I know that the best way to achieve it is to have reproducible builds that can be invoked twice, a first time with status=integration and the second time with status=milestone for instance. For internal reasons, it's hard for now to use such

Ivy cache doesn't handling extra attributes as expected

2014-01-16 Thread opatry
Hi, I already found a similar question: It's a pretty old question and has not so many answers (useful). So to resume the issue: let's say I have a first module defining 3