User: gropi   
  Date: 01/06/29 03:44:55

  Modified:    src/docs howtojavamail.xml
  JBoss 2.2.2 compliance updates by Francois Charoy
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.5       +208 -226  manual/src/docs/howtojavamail.xml
  Index: howtojavamail.xml
  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/manual/src/docs/howtojavamail.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- howtojavamail.xml 2001/05/17 20:31:29     1.4
  +++ howtojavamail.xml 2001/06/29 10:44:55     1.5
  @@ -1,226 +1,208 @@
  -<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
  -<section id="howto.javamail">
  -     <title>Using JavaMail in JBoss</title>
  -     <para>
  -             <author>
  -                     <firstname>Michel</firstname>
  -                     <surname>de Groot</surname>
  -             </author>
  -             <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
  -     </para>
  -     <section>
  -             <title>Introduction</title>
  -             <para>JBoss has a built-in implementation of the JavaMail API. You can 
use this 
  -service from inside and outside EJBs. We
  -describe here how to use the service. </para>
  -     </section>
  -     <section>
  -             <title>Installation <![CDATA[& Configuration]]></title>   
  -             <orderedlist> 
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Edit <![CDATA[conf/<yourconfig>/jboss.jcml and 
find Mail 
  -Service MBean (almost on the bottom).]]></para>     
  -                             <para>     a) Replace the User and Password attributes 
values with the user name and 
  -password used to connect to your
  -     mail server. You can find these values in your mail program. The mail 
  -service will use this account to send mails,
  -     so be sure that this mail account works properly (test it with your mail 
  -program for example).</para>     
  -                             <para>     b) Replace the ConfigurationFile attribute 
value with the file containing 
  -the mail settings. Default is
  -     "", which is also in the <![CDATA[conf/<yourconfig> 
  -directory. This file will be edited in step 2.]]></para>     
  -                             <para>     c) Replace the JNDIName attribute value 
with the JNDI name for your mail 
  -session. The default is "Mail". This
  -     JNDI name will be used in jboss.xml to identify the resource. This is 
  -explained in more detail in step 4.</para>   
  -                     </listitem>   
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Edit the mail properties file you identified in 
step 1b. By 
  -default, this is <![CDATA[conf/<yourconfig>/]]></para>     
  -                             <para>     Edit the following lines:
  -     <programlisting> 
  -     mail.user = sa005697    // the user to connect with; same as in step 1a
  - =        // the pop host to store the mail 
  - =        // the smtp host to send the mail 
  -     mail.from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]      // the 'from' field that is 
  -filled in by default in e-mails
  -     </programlisting> 
  -                             </para>     
  -                             <para> 
  -     You can find most value in your mail program. You might want to inspect 
  -the JavaMail specification for more
  -     details.</para> 
  -                             <para>  
  -     The last line, mail.debug, should be set to 'true' for now. This will 
  -provide you with verbose debugging
  -     information. Once you have everything running correctly, you can set it 
  -to false.</para>  
  -                     </listitem>   
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Edit the ejb-jar.xml of the EJB that uses the 
mail service. 
  -In your EJB, specify a<![CDATA[ <resource-ref> like this: 
  -     ]]><programlisting><![CDATA[
  -     <ejb-jar>
  -             <enterprise-beans>
  -                     <session> 
  -                             <ejb-name>Mailer</ejb-name> 
  -                             <home>some.package.MailerHome</home> 
  -                             <remote>some.package.Mailer</remote> 
  -                             <ejb-class>some.package.MailerEJB</ejb-class> 
  -                             <session-type>Stateless</session-type> 
  -                             <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type> 
  -                             <resource-ref>
  -                                     <res-ref-name>mail/MyMail</res-ref-name> 
  -                                     <res-type>javax.mail.Session</res-type> 
  -                                     <res-auth>Container</res-auth> 
  -                             </resource-ref> 
  -                     </session>
  -             </enterprise-beans> 
  -     </ejb-jar>
  -     ]]></programlisting>  
  -                             </para>     
  -                             <para>     This will tell the EJB container that the 
EJB uses a javax.mail.Session 
  -resource named mail/MyMail and that
  -     authorization is container managed.</para>     
  -                             <para>     You can change the name if you like, but be 
sure to use the same name in 
  -step 6, in the code example. </para>   
  -                     </listitem> 
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Edit the jboss.xml of the EJB that uses the mail 
  -If you don't have this file, create it and place it in the
  -     same directory as the ejb-jar.xml of the EJB. This file is JBoss specific 
  -and tells JBoss how to map the mail
  -     resource to the mail service provider in JBoss.
  -     In this file, specify a <![CDATA[ <resource-manager> like this: 
  -     ]]><programlisting><![CDATA[  
  -     <jboss>
  -             <resource-managers>
  -                     <resource-manager>
  -                             <res-name>mail/MyMail</res-name> 
  -                             <res-jndi-name>Mail</res-jndi-name> 
  -                     </resource-manager> 
  -             </resource-managers> 
  -     </jboss>
  -     ]]></programlisting>     
  -                             </para>     
  -                             <para>     The name that you specify here is the name 
that you specified in step 3. 
  -The JNDI name that you specify here is
  -     the name that you specified in step 1c.</para>  
  -                     </listitem>   
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Edit the bin/run.bat file of your JBoss
  -   installation.  Include ../lib/ext/mail.jar and ../lib/ext/activation.jar
  -   in the classpath explicitly. This assumes that you start JBoss from the bin 
  -   directory. If not, you should modify the paths
  -   to the jars accordingly.  Make sure you list mail.jar before activation.jar 
  -   or you may get cryptic errors like 'no object DCH for MIME type
  -   text/plain'.</para>     
  -                             <para> 
  -     TO BE IMPROVED: This step should not be required; both mail.jar and 
  -activation.jar are correctly found during
  -     the ClassPathExtension scan, but somehow their classes cannot be found 
  -later. Maybe something missing in the
  - files? </para>   
  -                     </listitem>  
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Code example
  -     This code example assumes that you are working from inside a JBoss 
  -container. For example, this is the case if
  -     the code is placed in a JBoss managed SessionBean.</para>     
  -                             <para>  
  -     TO BE IMPROVED: This code example does not use PortableRemoteObject, 
  -because I could not locate it
  -     anywhere in the JBoss jars. The code will work without it on JBoss. It 
  -should be used however to make the
  -     code more portable. I'm also not sure what happens in a distributed JBoss 
  -installation. </para>     
  -                             <programlisting><![CDATA[ 
  -     import java.util.Date;
  -     import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
  -     import javax.naming.InitialContext;
  -     import javax.mail.Session;
  -     import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
  -     import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
  -     import javax.mail.Transport;
  -     import javax.mail.Address;
  -     import javax.mail.Message;
  -     //import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
  -     public class SomeEJB implements SessionBean {
  -             public void ejbCreate() {}
  -             public void ejbPostCreate() {}
  -             public void sendMails() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
  -                     Session session = null;
  -                     try {
  -                             session = (Session)new 
  -                             //session = (Session)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
  -                             //      new 
  -InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/mail/MyMail"), Session.class);
  -                     } catch (javax.naming.NamingException e) {
  -                             e.printStackTrace();
  -                     }
  -                     try {
  -                             MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(session);
  -                             m.setFrom();
  -                             Address[] to = new InternetAddress[] {new
  -                             m.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
  -                             m.setSubject("JavaMail Test");
  -                             m.setSentDate(new Date());
  -                             m.setContent("Test from inside EJB Using JBoss", 
  -                             Transport.send(m);
  -                     } catch (javax.mail.MessagingException e) {
  -                             e.printStackTrace();
  -                     }               
  -             }
  -             public void ejbActivate() {}
  -             public void ejbPassivate() {}
  -             public void ejbRemove() {}
  -             public void setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext ec) {}
  -     }
  -   ]]></programlisting>  
  -                     </listitem> 
  -                     <listitem>
  -                             <para>Using the JavaMail service with mail servers 
that require 
  -POP authentication before SMTP
  -     You can do this by using: </para>             
  -                             <programlisting> 
  -             import javax.mail.Store;
  -             Store s = session.getStore();
  -             s.connect(); // POP authentication
  -             Transport.send(m);
  -             </programlisting> 
  -                     </listitem>  
  -             </orderedlist>  
  -     </section>
  +<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
  +<section id="howto.javamail">
  +     <title>Using JavaMail in JBoss</title>
  +     <para>
  +       Author:
  +             <author>
  +                     <firstname>Michel</firstname>
  +                     <surname>de Groot</surname>
  +             </author>
  +             <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
  +     </para>
  +     <para>
  +       JBoss 2.2.2 compliance checked by:
  +             <author>
  +                     <firstname>Francois</firstname>
  +                     <surname>Charoy</surname>
  +             </author>
  +             <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
  +     </para>
  +     <section>
  +             <title>Introduction</title>
  +             <para>JBoss has a built-in implementation of the <ulink 
API</ulink>. You can use this 
  +service from inside and outside EJBs. We
  +describe here how to use the service. </para>
  +     </section>
  +     <section>
  +             <title>Installation <![CDATA[& Configuration]]></title>   
  +             <orderedlist> 
  +                     <listitem>
  +                             <para>Edit <![CDATA[conf/<yourconfig>/jboss.jcml and 
find Mail 
  +Service MBean (almost on the bottom).]]></para>     
  +                             <para>     a) Replace the User and Password attributes 
values with the user name and 
  +password used to connect to your
  +     mail server. You can find these values in your mail program. The mail 
  +service will use this account to send mails,
  +     so be sure that this mail account works properly (test it with your mail 
  +program for example).</para>     
  +                             <para>     b) Replace the ConfigurationFile attribute 
value with the file containing 
  +the mail settings. Default is
  +     "", which is also in the <![CDATA[conf/<yourconfig> 
  +directory. This file will be edited in step 2.]]></para>     
  +                             <para>     c) Replace the JNDIName attribute value 
with the JNDI name for your mail 
  +session. The default is "Mail". This
  +     JNDI name will be used in jboss.xml to identify the resource. This is 
  +explained in more detail in step 4.</para>   
  +                     </listitem>   
  +                     <listitem>
  +                             <para>Edit the mail properties file you identified in 
step 1b. By 
  +default, this is <![CDATA[conf/<yourconfig>/]]></para>     
  +                             <para>     Edit the following lines:
  +     <programlisting> 
  +     mail.user = sa005697    // the user to connect with; same as in step 1a
  + =        // the pop host to store the mail on
  + =        // the smtp host to send the mail to 
  +     mail.from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]      // the 'from' field that is filled in 
by default in e-mails
  +     </programlisting> 
  +                             </para>     
  +                             <para> 
  +     You can find most value in your mail program. You might want to inspect 
  +the JavaMail specification for more
  +     details.</para> 
  +                             <para>  
  +     The last line, mail.debug, should be set to 'true' for now. This will 
  +provide you with verbose debugging
  +     information. Once you have everything running correctly, you can set it 
  +to false.</para>  
  +                     </listitem>   
  +                     <listitem>
  +                             <para>Edit the ejb-jar.xml of the EJB that uses the 
mail service. 
  +In your EJB, specify a<![CDATA[ <resource-ref> like this: 
  +     ]]><programlisting><![CDATA[
  +     <description>JBoss JavaMail Sample Application</description>
  +     <display-name>Mailer EJB</display-name>
  +     <enterprise-beans>
  +       <session>
  +         <ejb-name>Mailer</ejb-name>
  +         <home></home>
  +         <remote></remote>
  +         <ejb-class></ejb-class>
  +         <session-type>Stateless</session-type>
  +         <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
  +       </session>
  +     </enterprise-beans>
  +     <resource-ref>
  +       <res-ref-name>mail/Mail</res-ref-name> 
  +       <res-type>javax.mail.Session</res-type> 
  +       <res-auth>Container</res-auth> 
  +     </resource-ref> 
  +     ]]></programlisting>  
  +                             </para>     
  +                             <para>     This will tell the EJB container that the 
EJB uses a javax.mail.Session 
  +resource named mail/MyMail and that authorization is container managed.</para>     
  +                             <para>     You can change the name if you like, but be 
sure to use the same name in 
  +step 6, in the code example. </para>   
  +                     </listitem> 
  +                     <listitem>
  +                             <para>Edit the jboss.xml of the EJB that uses the mail 
  +If you don't have this file, create it and place it in the same directory as the 
ejb-jar.xml of the EJB. This file is JBoss specific and tells JBoss how to map the 
mail resource to the mail service provider in JBoss.
  +     In this file, specify a <![CDATA[ <resource-manager> like this: 
  +     ]]><programlisting><![CDATA[ 
  +  <enterprise-beans>
  +    <session>
  +      <ejb-name>Mailer</ejb-name>
  +      <jndi-name>Mailer</jndi-name>
  +    </session>
  +  </enterprise-beans>
  +  <resource-managers>
  +    <resource-manager>
  +      <res-name>mail/Mail</res-name> 
  +      <res-jndi-name>Mail</res-jndi-name> 
  +    </resource-manager> 
  +  </resource-managers> 
  +     ]]></programlisting>     
  +                             </para>     
  +                             <para>     The name that you specify here is the name 
that you specified in step 3. 
  +The JNDI name that you specify here is
  +     the name that you specified in step 1c.</para>  
  +                     </listitem>   
  +                     <listitem>
  +                             <para>Code example
  +     This code example assumes that you are working from inside a JBoss 
  +container. For example, this is the case if
  +     the code is placed in a JBoss managed SessionBean.</para>     
  +                             <programlisting><![CDATA[ 
  +import java.util.Date;
  +import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
  +import javax.naming.InitialContext;
  +import javax.mail.Session;
  +import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
  +import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
  +import javax.mail.Transport;
  +import javax.mail.Address;
  +import javax.mail.Message;
  +import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
  +public class MailerBean implements SessionBean {
  +    public void ejbCreate() {}
  +    public void ejbPostCreate() {}
  +    public void sendMail(String address) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
  +     Session session = null;
  +     try {
  +         session = (Session)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(new 
InitialContext().lookup("java:Mail"), Session.class);
  +     } catch (javax.naming.NamingException e) {
  +         e.printStackTrace();
  +     }
  +     try {
  +         MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(session);
  +         m.setFrom();
  +         Address[] to = new InternetAddress[] {
  +             new InternetAddress(address)
  +         };
  +         m.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
  +         m.setSubject("JavaMail Test");
  +         m.setSentDate(new Date());
  +         m.setContent("Test from inside EJB Using JBoss", 
  +                      "text/plain");
  +         Transport.send(m);
  +     } catch (javax.mail.MessagingException e) {
  +         e.printStackTrace();
  +     }               
  +    }
  +    public void ejbActivate() {}
  +    public void ejbPassivate() {}
  +    public void ejbRemove() {}
  +    public void setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext ec) {}
  +   ]]></programlisting>  
  +                     </listitem> 
  +                     <listitem>
  +                             <para>Using the JavaMail service with mail servers 
that require 
  +POP authentication before SMTP
  +     You can do this by using: </para>             
  +                             <programlisting> 
  +             import javax.mail.Store;
  +             Store s = session.getStore();
  +             s.connect(); // POP authentication
  +             Transport.send(m);
  +             </programlisting> 
  +                     </listitem>  
  +             </orderedlist>  
  +     </section>

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