|    * <p><b>2001/08/06: marcf</b>
|    * <ol>
|    *   <li>Got rid of disassociate and added a
|javax.transaction.Synchronization.  The sync will clean up the map now.
|  - *   <li>This class now interacts with ApplicationTxEntityMap
|available in Application
|  + *   <li>This class now interacts with GlobalTxEntityMap available.

Bill I appreciate you giving me credit for this but I didn't do it,
please put the revisions rights


|    * </ol>
|    */
|   public class TxEntityMap
|  @@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
|            m_map.put(tx, entityMap);
|            tx.registerSynchronization(new TxEntityMapCleanup(this, tx));
|         }
|  -
|x, entity);
|  +      EntityContainer.getGlobalTxEntityMap().associate(tx, entity);
|         entityMap.put(entity.getCacheKey(), entity);
|      }
|  @@ -58,6 +59,9 @@
|         return (EntityEnterpriseContext)entityMap.get(key);
|      }
|  +   /**
|  +    * Cleanup tx/entity map on tx commit/rollback
|  +    */
|      private class TxEntityMapCleanup implements Synchronization
|      {
|         TxEntityMap map;
|  1.51      +94 -12    jboss/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EntityContainer.java
|  Index: EntityContainer.java
|  ===================================================================
|  RCS file:
|  retrieving revision 1.50
|  retrieving revision 1.51
|  diff -u -r1.50 -r1.51
|  --- EntityContainer.java     2001/08/06 16:26:27     1.50
|  +++ EntityContainer.java     2001/08/07 18:06:42     1.51
|  @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
|   import javax.ejb.CreateException;
|   import javax.ejb.FinderException;
|   import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
|  +import javax.transaction.Transaction;
|   import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
|   import org.jboss.monitor.StatisticsProvider;
|  @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
|    * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Daniel OConnor</a>
|    * @author <a href="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Bill Burke</a>
|    * @author <a
|href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Andreas Schaefer</a>
|  - * @version $Revision: 1.50 $
|  + * @version $Revision: 1.51 $
|    *
|    * <p><b>Revisions:</b>
|    *
|  @@ -58,6 +59,11 @@
|    * <ul>
|    * <li>- Added statistics gathering
|    * </ul>
|  + * <p><b>20010807 bill burke:</b>
|  + * <ul>
|  + * <li> Moved storeEntity from EntitySynchronization to here so
|other classes can use it.
|  + * <li> Moved synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction to here from
|Application as a static method.
|  + * </ul>
|    */
|   public class EntityContainer
|     extends Container
|  @@ -109,6 +115,48 @@
|      protected long createCount = 0;
|      protected long removeCount = 0;
|  +   /**
|  +    *  Optional isModified method used by storeEntity
|  +    */
|  +   protected Method isModified;
|  +
|  +   /**
|  +    * This provides a way to find the entities that are part of a given
|  +    * transaction EntitySynchronizationInterceptor and
|  +    * manage this instance.
|  +    */
|  +   protected static  GlobalTxEntityMap globalTxEntityMap = new
|  +
|  +
|  +   public static GlobalTxEntityMap getGlobalTxEntityMap() {
|return globalTxEntityMap; }
|  +
|  +   /**
|  +    * Stores all of the entities associated with the specified
|  +    * @param tx the transaction that associated entites will be stored
|  +    * @throws Exception if an problem occures while storing the entities
|  +    */
|  +   public static void
|synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction(Transaction tx) throws
|  +   {
|  +      // If there is no transaction, there is nothing to synchronize.
|  +      try
|  +      {
|  +         if(tx != null)
|  +         {
|  +            EntityEnterpriseContext[] entities =
|  +            for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++)
|  +            {
|  +               EntityEnterpriseContext ctx = entities[i];
|  +               EntityContainer container =
|  +               container.storeEntity(ctx);
|  +            }
|  +         }
|  +      }
|  +      catch (Exception ex)
|  +      {
|  +         throw new
|RemoteException("synchronizeEntitiesWithTransaction failed");
|  +      }
|  +   }
|  +
|      // Public --------------------------------------------------------
|      public void setContainerInvoker(ContainerInvoker ci)
|  @@ -270,6 +318,15 @@
|            in = in.getNext();
|         }
|  +      try
|  +      {
|  +         isModified = getBeanClass().getMethod("isModified",
|new Class[0]);
|  +         if (!isModified.getReturnType().equals(Boolean.TYPE))
|  +            isModified = null; // Has to have "boolean" as return type!
|  +      }
|  +      catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) {}
|  +
|  +
|         // Reset classloader
|         Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(oldCl);
|      }
|  @@ -394,7 +451,7 @@
|      {
|         // synchronize entities with the datastore before the
|bean is removed
|         // this will write queued updates so datastore will be
|consistent before removal
|  -
|  +      synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction(mi.getTransaction());
|         // Get the persistence manager to do the dirty work
|  @@ -481,11 +538,11 @@
|      public Object findLocal(MethodInvocation mi)
|         throws Exception
|      {
|  -            /**
|  -             * As per the spec 9.6.4, entities must be
|synchronized with the datastore
|  -             * when an ejbFind<METHOD> is called.
|  -             */
|  -
|  +      /**
|  +       * As per the spec 9.6.4, entities must be synchronized
|with the datastore
|  +       * when an ejbFind<METHOD> is called.
|  +       */
|  +      synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction(mi.getTransaction());
|         // Multi-finder?
|         if (!mi.getMethod().getReturnType().equals(getLocalClass()))
|  @@ -533,11 +590,11 @@
|       */
|      public Object find(MethodInvocation mi) throws Exception
|      {
|  -            /**
|  -             * As per the spec 9.6.4, entities must be
|synchronized with the datastore
|  -             * when an ejbFind<METHOD> is called.
|  -             */
|  -
|  +      /**
|  +       * As per the spec 9.6.4, entities must be synchronized
|with the datastore
|  +       * when an ejbFind<METHOD> is called.
|  +       */
|  +      synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction(mi.getTransaction());
|         // Multi-finder?
|         if (!mi.getMethod().getReturnType().equals(getRemoteClass()))
|  @@ -577,6 +634,31 @@
|         }
|      }
|  +
|  +   /**
|  +    * store entity
|  +    */
|  +   public void storeEntity(EntityEnterpriseContext ctx) throws Exception
|  +   {
|  +      if (ctx.getId() != null)
|  +      {
|  +         boolean dirty = true;
|  +         // Check isModified bean method flag
|  +         if (isModified != null)
|  +         {
|  +            Object[] args = {};
|  +            Boolean modified = (Boolean)
|isModified.invoke(ctx.getInstance(), args);
|  +            dirty = modified.booleanValue();
|  +         }
|  +
|  +         // Store entity
|  +         if (dirty)
|  +         {
|  +            getPersistenceManager().storeEntity(ctx);
|  +         }
|  +      }
|  +   }
|  +
|      /**
|       * This method takes care of the wiring of the "EJBObject" trio
|       * (target, context, proxy).  It delegates to the
|persistence manager.
|  1.16      +1 -42     jboss/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/Application.java
|  Index: Application.java
|  ===================================================================
|  RCS file: /cvsroot/jboss/jboss/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/Application.java,v
|  retrieving revision 1.15
|  retrieving revision 1.16
|  diff -u -r1.15 -r1.16
|  --- Application.java 2001/08/06 16:26:28     1.15
|  +++ Application.java 2001/08/07 18:06:42     1.16
|  @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
|   import java.util.Hashtable;
|   import javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome;
|  -import javax.transaction.Transaction;
|   import org.jboss.util.Service;
|  @@ -25,13 +24,8 @@
|    *   @see Container
|    *   @see ContainerFactory
|    *   @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Rickard Öberg</a>
|  - *   @version $Revision: 1.15 $
|  + *   @version $Revision: 1.16 $
|    *
|  - * <p><b>Revisions:</b><br>
|  - * <p><b>2001/08/06: dain</b>
|  - * <ol>
|  - *   <li>Moved synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction to this class.
|  - * </ol>
|    */
|   public class Application
|      implements Service
|  @@ -53,13 +47,6 @@
|      // url where this application was deployed from
|      URL url;
|  -   /**
|  -    * This provides a way to find the entities that are part of a given
|  -    * transaction EntitySynchronizationInterceptor and
|  -    * manage this instance.
|  -    */
|  -   private ApplicationTxEntityMap txEntityMap = new
|  -
|      // Static --------------------------------------------------------
|      // Public --------------------------------------------------------
|  @@ -200,34 +187,6 @@
|            name = url.toString();
|      }
|  -   /**
|  -    * Gets the transaction to entity map object, which contains
|a map from
|  -    * a transaction to every entity used in that transaction.
|  -    * @return the transaction to entity map for this application
|  -    */
|  -   public ApplicationTxEntityMap getTxEntityMap() {
|  -      return txEntityMap;
|  -   }
|  -
|  -   /**
|  -    * Stores all of the entities associated with the specified
|  -    * @param tx the transaction that associated entites will be stored
|  -    * @throws Exception if an problem occures while storing the entities
|  -    */
|  -   public void synchronizeEntitiesWithinTransaction(Transaction
|tx) throws RemoteException {
|  -      // If there is no transaction, there is nothing to synchronize.
|  -      if(tx != null)
|  -      {
|  -         EntityEnterpriseContext[] entities =
|  -         for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++)
|  -         {
|  -            EntityEnterpriseContext ctx = entities[i];
|  -            EntityContainer container =
|  -            container.getPersistenceManager().storeEntity(ctx);
|  -         }
|  -      }
|  -   }
|  -
|      // Service implementation ----------------------------------------
|       /**
|  1.1                  jboss/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/GlobalTxEntityMap.java
|  Index: GlobalTxEntityMap.java
|  ===================================================================
|  /*
|   * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
|   *
|   * Distributable under LGPL license.
|   * See terms of license at gnu.org.
|   */
|  package org.jboss.ejb;
|  import java.util.ArrayList;
|  import java.util.HashMap;
|  import javax.transaction.Transaction;
|  import javax.transaction.RollbackException;
|  import javax.transaction.SystemException;
|  import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
|  /**
|   * This class provides a way to find out what entities are contained in
|   * what transaction.  It is used, to find which entities to call
|   * on when a ejbFind() method is called within a transaction.
|EJB 2.0- 9.6.4
|   * also, it is used to synchronize on a remove.
|   * Used in EntitySynchronizationInterceptor, EntityContainer
|   *
|   * Entities are stored in an ArrayList to ensure specific ordering.
|   *
|   * @author <a href="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Bill Burke</a>
|   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
|   */
|  public class GlobalTxEntityMap
|  {
|     protected HashMap m_map = new HashMap();
|     /**
|      * associate entity with transaction
|      */
|     public synchronized void associate(Transaction tx,
|                                        EntityEnterpriseContext entity)
|        throws RollbackException, SystemException
|     {
|        ArrayList entityList = (ArrayList)m_map.get(tx);
|        if (entityList == null)
|        {
|           entityList = new ArrayList();
|           m_map.put(tx, entityList);
|           tx.registerSynchronization(new
|GlobalTxEntityMapCleanup(this, tx));
|        }
|        entityList.add(entity);
|     }
|     /**
|      * get all EntityEnterpriseContext that are involved with a
|      */
|     public synchronized EntityEnterpriseContext[]
|getEntities(Transaction tx)
|     {
|        ArrayList entityList = (ArrayList)m_map.get(tx);
|        if (entityList == null) // there are no entities associated
|        {
|           return new EntityEnterpriseContext[0];
|        }
|        return (EntityEnterpriseContext[])
|           entityList.toArray(new
|     }
|     /**
|      * Cleanup tx/entity map on tx commit/rollback
|      */
|     private class GlobalTxEntityMapCleanup implements Synchronization
|     {
|        GlobalTxEntityMap map;
|        Transaction tx;
|        public GlobalTxEntityMapCleanup(GlobalTxEntityMap map,
|                                        Transaction tx)
|        {
|           this.map = map;
|           this.tx = tx;
|        }
|        // Synchronization implementation -----------------------------
|        public void beforeCompletion()
|        {
|           // complete
|        }
|        public void afterCompletion(int status)
|        {
|           synchronized(map)
|           {
|              ArrayList entityList = (ArrayList)m_map.remove(tx);
|              if (entityList != null)
|              {
|                 entityList.clear();
|              }
|           }
|        }
|     }
|  }
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