[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-10 Thread jaikiran
catania wrote : In Vietnam, I don't show The JBoss Organize that I can learn to get The JBoss Certificated ! Can you have ideas about it ? | | Sorry, i don't have much ideas about JBoss certifications. View the original post :

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-09 Thread jaikiran
The datasource files that you posted look good to me. Also, the message anonymous wrote : 08:44:01,255 INFO [WrapperDataSourceService] Bound ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca | :service=DataSourceBinding,name=MySqlDSTmp' to JNDI name 'java:MySqlDSTmp' indicates that the datasource has been

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-09 Thread catania
When JBoss start success, I open mySQL and I recognize that: anonymous wrote : On B machine, BDatabase have some tables: hilosequences, jms_messages, jms_roles, |But on the C machine, CDatabase has not some tables as BDatabase. --- Why CDatabase has not (if datasource has been

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-09 Thread catania
Now, I write a entity named Log_Entry @Entity | @Table(name = log_records, schema = CDatabase) | public class LogEntry implements Serializable { |private int id; |private Timestamp date; |public LogEntry(final Level lvl, final String msg) { | | } |

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-09 Thread jaikiran
anonymous wrote : create table 456.log_records (id | integer not null auto_increment, message varchar(255), date datetime, level var | char(255), primary key (id)) Not sure why the 456 is getting prefixed to the table name. The configuration files that you posted did not contain this 456.

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-09 Thread catania
Oh! sorry. Not anonymous wrote : 456 .log_records. It is : 15:41:36,045 ERROR [SchemaUpdate] Unsuccessful: create table CDatabase .log_records (id | integer not null auto_increment, message varchar(255), date datetime, level var | char(255), primary key (id)) | 15:41:36,061 ERROR

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-09 Thread catania
Today, I tried and success! I recognized that: 1. Inside my Log_Entry entity has id filed and I edit to idMess | 2. When I create the new schema in MySql, not begin a number (ex: not 2xxx, it should begin with character axxx). Thank you jaikiran very much! Your helps are very useful for

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-08 Thread jaikiran
Creating the datasource files (-ds.xml) is the correct thing. When you say, it does take effect, what exactly happens? Do you see any exceptions? Also, can you post the contents of those 2 ds.xml files? (Please remember to enclose the contents the code block, by using the Code button in the

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Configure JBoss to connect to multi database on multi ma

2007-10-08 Thread catania
I use jboss-4.0.5.GA, EJB 3.0 and WinXP. On B and C, I installed MySQL. On A, inside \server\default\deploy, I have two file: remote1-ds.xml and remote2-ds.xml. remote1-ds.xml: datasources | local-tx-datasource | jndi-nameMySqlDS/jndi-name |