Hi all !
   I use jboss-4.0.5.GA and EJB3.0
   I write a Message-Driven Bean. It's very simple and look like :
public class LogBean implements MessageListener {
  |     public void onMessage(Message msg) {
  |         if (msg instanceof TextMessage) {
  |             TextMessage tm = (TextMessage) msg;
  |             try {
  |                 String text = tm.getText();
  |                 System.out.println("Received new message : " + text);
  |             } catch (JMSException e) {
  |                 e.printStackTrace();
  |             }
  |         }
  |     }
  | }
  My ejb-jar.xml:
  |     <message-driven>
  |     <ejb-name>LogBean</ejb-name>
  |     <ejb-class>mdb.com.LogBean</ejb-class>
  |     <messaging-type>javax.jms.MessageListener</messaging-type>
  |     <transaction-type>Bean</transaction-type>
  |     <message-destination-type>javax.jms.Topic</message-destination-type>
  |     <activation-config>
  |             <activation-config-property>
  |             </activation-config-property>
  |     </activation-config>
  |     </message-driven>
  | </enterprise-beans> 
  But when I run JBoss Server, I received some errors:
anonymous wrote : org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Required 
configproperty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | 38ad[name=destination [EMAIL PROTECTED] for messagingType 'ja
  | vax.jms.MessageListener' not found in activation config 
  | vax.jms.Topic)] ra=jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='jms-ra.rar'
  | ....        
  I put my ejb-jar inside META-INF folder. 
  I think that I must configure JBoss Server but I don't know where I do this.
  Please guide to me or show me some documents. Thanks.

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