>>> Joseph Shraibman <jks@selectacast.net> seems to think that:
>I am being driven mad by these "Update Tag Table" messages that semantic 
>is giving me.  Whenever this happens emacs freezes on me for a few 
>seconds.  How can I turn this off?

You can either increase the idle time via
semantic-idle-scheduler-idle-time or you can disable

The advantage of the idle scheduler is that it provides tag summaries
and some completion features.  The disadvantage is the amount of time
it may take to parse a file.  If you don't use those, you can postpone
tag updates till you request some action from semantic via some other

It is supposed to be possible to interrupt the incremental parsing
mechanism by just pressing a key.  It is unclear to me why this would
not work for you.  There are atomic operations that it doesn't work
in, but I thought those were all pretty short.


          Eric Ludlam:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Home: http://www.ludlam.net            Siege: www.siege-engine.com
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