>>> "Chitale, Sandip V" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> seems to think that:
  [ ... ]
>2. Indicate the error messages using an underline (or user customizable) face
>(say!) over the extent of the buffer text causing the error.
>(unfortunately not all compilers give the column or column range where
>the error is).
>3. User can get details of the error message with mouse-over or
>some key combination (I need to check if 'help-echo text property
>will work for that).
  [ ... ]


  I bumped into this thread a little late I guess.  I had a plan to do
this with a fancy utility of mine, but never got around to it.  I
brushed off the old plan and hacked it together.  Your mileage may
vary, but it is working well in grep buffers at the moment.

  It requires EIEIO to get the linemark package which any good JDEE
user should have.  Hopefully it doesn't require the CVS version of
linemark.el for Emacs.  I think I avoided those features.  I cannot
vouch for its usefulness on XEmacs as the release version of linemark
has an odd face related bug, and lmcompile is using 'help-echo to do
the mouse-overs.  That's what you get for quick hack I guess.

  To use it, perform a grep or compile, and use
`lmcompile-do-highlight'.  Sick of it, use `lmcompile-clear'.

  Because it uses the `linemark' package at it's core, you set up the
highlights once, and the linemark harness handles keeping all the
overlays up to date as you load different files in and out of memory.

  The below is just a harness of what can be done with linemark.  I've
adapted linemark for specialized tasks to great effect on other
projects, so there are many more possible features that could be
added.  See the visual studio bookmark look alike at the end of
linemark.el for examples.

  This functionality has little to do with what was already posted.
It is tackling the problem from a completely different angle.


;;; lmcompile.el --- highlight compile error lines

;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;; Maintainer: Eric M. Ludlam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
;; Keywords: lisp
;; Copyright (C) 2003 Eric M. Ludlam
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;;  This package uses the compile package, and the linemark package to
;; highlight all lines showing errors.

;;; Commentary:

(require 'linemark)

;;; Code:
(defclass lmcompile-linemark-group (linemark-group)
  "Linemark Group for compile error highlights.")

(defclass lmcompile-linemark-entry (linemark-entry)
  ((errormarker :initarg :errormarker
                :type marker
                "Marker pointing to the source of the match."))
  "Linemark Group for one compile error highlight.
Tracks additional information about the error.")

(defmethod linemark-new-entry ((g linemark-group) &rest args)
  "Create a new entry for G using init ARGS."
  (let ((f (plist-get args :filename))
        (l (plist-get args :line)))
    (apply 'lmcompile-linemark-entry (format "%s %d" f l)

(defmethod linemark-display ((e lmcompile-linemark-entry) active-p)
  "Set object E to be active or inactive."
  ;; A bug in linemark prevents individual entry colors.
  ;; Fix the color here.
  (when active-p
    (condition-case nil
          (set-buffer (marker-buffer (oref e errormarker)))
          (goto-char (oref e errormarker))
          (let ((face (cond ((re-search-forward "error" (point-at-eol) t)
                            ((re-search-forward "warning" (point-at-eol) t)
            (oset e :face face)
      (error nil))
  ;; Do the rest of our work

  ;; Add a tool tip
  (when (and active-p
             (slot-boundp e 'overlay)
             (oref e overlay))

    (let ((em (oref e errormarker))
          (txt nil))
      (condition-case nil
            (set-buffer (marker-buffer em))
            (goto-char em)
            (setq txt (buffer-substring-no-properties
                       (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))
        (error nil))

      (when txt
        (linemark-overlay-put (oref e overlay)

(defun lmcompile-create-group (name)
  "Create a group object for tracking linemark entries.
Do not permit multiple groups with the same NAME."
  (let ((newgroup (lmcompile-linemark-group name))
        (foundgroup nil)
        (lmg linemark-groups))
    (while (and (not foundgroup) lmg)
      (if (string= name (object-name-string (car lmg)))
          (setq foundgroup (car lmg)))
      (setq lmg (cdr lmg)))
    (if foundgroup
        (setq newgroup foundgroup)
      (setq linemark-groups (cons newgroup linemark-groups))

(defvar lmcompile-error-group (lmcompile-create-group "compiler errors")
  "The LMCOMPILE error group object.")

(defun lmcompile-clear ()
  "Flush all compile error entries."
  (mapcar (lambda (e) (linemark-delete e))
          (oref lmcompile-error-group marks)))

(defun lmcompile-do-highlight ()
  "Do compilation mode highlighting.
Works on grep, compile, or other type mode."

  ;; Flush out the old

  ;; Set the buffer apropriately
  (setq compilation-last-buffer (compilation-find-buffer))

  ;; Get the list of errors to be activated.
  (compile-reinitialize-errors nil)
  (let ((marks
           (set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
    (while marks
      (let ((errmark (nth 0 (car marks)))
            (file (nth 1 (car marks)))
            (line (nth 2 (car marks)))
            (face nil)
            (case-fold-search t)
            (entry nil)
        (setq file (concat (car (cdr file))
                           (car file)))

        ;; We've got the goods, lets add in an entry.
        ;; If we can't find the file, skip it.  It'll be
        ;; found eventually.
        (when (file-exists-p file)

          (setq entry
                 :filename file
                 :line line
                 :errormarker errmark

      (setq marks (cdr marks)))))

(provide 'lmcompile)

;;; lmcompile.el ends here

          Eric Ludlam:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Home: http://www.ludlam.net            Siege: www.siege-engine.com
Emacs: http://cedet.sourceforge.net               GNU: www.gnu.org

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