
I am considering rewriting my rules to maximize the use of the dot notation in patterns.
For instance:

(deftemplate x (slot a) (slot b) (slot c))
(deftemplate y (slot a) (slot b))

(defrule r
   ?x <- (x (a ?a) (b ?b) (c 1))
   ?y <- (y (a ?a) (b ?b))
   (printout t ?y " matches " ?x crlf) )

(defrule r_
   ?x <- (x (c 1))
   ?y <- (y {a == x.a} {b == x.b})
   (printout t ?y " matches_ " ?x crlf) )

(deffacts f
   (x (a 1) (b 2) (c 1))
   (y (a 1) (b 2))
   (y (a 10) (b 20)) )


The rule r_ highlights the only restriction applied to the x fact, which is in slot c. Are there any performance issues related to this approach, or is it ok to use any of these approaches?

By the way, I was trying to use (y (a ?x.a) (b ?x.b)) inside the y pattern, which does not work - as explained in section 6.2.1 of the Jess manual, «when you refer to a pattern binding in a Java pattern, the "?" variable indicator is omitted». And I suppose it must be used inside curly-brace notation, since (y (a x.a) (b x.b)) does not work either. However, I do not get any error, just an "unexpected" result, as the slot matching is ignored in the first case (rule r_ fires twice) and does not succeed in the second case (rule r_ does not fire)...

Thanks in advance,


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