I think that James Owens said:
>Ernest would not say this.  Read The Fabulous Manual.

To all Jess beginners (just to echo James)...

I can definitely testify that other developer listservs are quick to point
out the golden "RTFM/RTFD" rule... albeit with a slightly more Anglo-Saxon
coloring.  :-D

Given the esoteric nature of rule-based expert systems development, I've
really appreciated the patient tone that Dr. Friedman-Hill sets in fielding
FAQs.  However, there is a noticeable increase in the amount of listserv
users who are attempting relatively complicated Jess applications without
first having done their homework, and I can imagine him getting a bit
frustrated in having to answer questions that he has taken great pains to
answer elsewhere.  Now, I have been seriously coding in Jess for two years,
and only now do I feel relatively comfortable enough with the basics and the
"Zen" of rule based-programming to build what'd consider commercial quality

Here are some newbie suggestions and observations that served me well in
learning Jess:

1.  Go to http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/ and install the latest binary
version of Jess (jess.jar) if you don't have it.  Avoiding old versions
avoids discussing already covered issues.
2.  Study the online documentation at
http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/docs/61/ to get some background on Jess.
3.  Make a short-cut reference to this Jess Functions link
http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/docs/61/function_index.html .  You'll
refer to it often.  Put a link to the Jess API javadocs where you can reach
them quickly as well.
4.  Purchase a copy of "Jess In Action" by Jess's author, Dr. E.
Friedman-Hill.  This will be your main tutorial and primer on how to program
in Jess.  Its ISBIN code is 1930110898.  Mine is "dog-eared" and annotated
already from use.
5.  Try the tutorials in the book and type the code samples into Jess so
that you can see how they work.  Experiment a lot.  Change variables, modify
patterns, add conditions, putz around until you get a feel for writing rules
well.  Avoid the performance traps of bad pattern ordering on you LHS of
rules.  Keep a programmer's journal for your notes.  Reviewing a little
CLIPS and some LISP won't kill you either -- mostly working with lists.
Expert Systems:Principles and Programming by Giarratano & Riley is a good
companion volume to JIA for this.
6.  Join the Jess email list
http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/mailing_list.shtml . Don't be afraid to
ask questions, but do try to exhaust the obvious causes of errors before
posting -- you learn more that way.  When I'm faced with that, I ask myself,
"...what's Ernest going tell me?" and I dig deeper and usually find the
answer on my own.

The main things to keep in mind are:

1.  Jess (and rule engines in general and the Rete engine in particular) are
"data driven" (data are called "facts" in Jess), that is changes in facts
drive the execution of your rules.

2.  Rules are "opportunistic", that is they can (and should be allowed to)
fire at any time when changes to the facts cause them to be "activated".
Changes to facts occur every engine cycle, so rules that were inactive
before may become active and those that were active may become deactivated.
You shouldn't aim to control this heavy-handedly - it defeats the purpose of
using rules.

3.  Because of #2 above, some programmers have trouble grasping that the
rule-engine actually controls the firing of rules, not the programmer.  You
specify "what" should cause them to fire, but not actually "when" they
should fire.  In other words, rule-based programming is not, in a strict
sense, procedural or algorithmic -- it is not like the coding that you are
probably used to in other high-level languages like C, C++, FORTRAN, or
others (since even within objects, method code is still procedural and
algorithmic, right?)  That said, you can have some procedural programming in
the rules themselves (typical looping and conditional branching statements
for example).  Take the time to learn a few of the proper ways to guide the
control and flow of a rule-based program (goal-seeking, hill-climbing, using
modules, using salience, using control patterns on LHS, etc.)

4.  Rules have two parts to them: a left-hand side (LHS) and right-hand side
(RHS).  The LHS is strictly for matching fact patterns.  Many error-causing
implementations that Ernest is quick to admonish come from developers
breaking this important principle.  Jess has many different ways to group
patterns - take a few days to study them and experiment a lot.  The RHS is a
list of actions to perform if the pattern(s) of the LHS is(are) satisfied.
The actions are typically method calls.  The great power of Jess is that the
RHS can contain both calls to Jess methods, or given the proper references
to other Java objects, it can call methods of objects external to Jess.
Think critically for a minute on the flexibility that this gives your code.

5.  Sometimes it helps to think of a rule-based program as a
"state-machine", where the addition or subtraction of data (facts) from
Jess's working memory moves the machine (your program) through different
states.  Your job as a rules programmer then is to figure out rules to
transition between the states and what to do when a state is reached.

6. All other rules of good software engineering always apply to rule-based
programming (think about architecture, goals, testing, modularized
development, etc.)

I hope that this helps you in your study.  Jess is very cool technology, and
it has actually improved my Java skills tremendously (gives me more of a
reason to study Java!).

Happy inferring!

Jason Morris
Morris Technical Solutions
fax/phone: 503.692.1088

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