I agree with you Cynthia keep u the good work.

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 Cynthia Stephen wrote :
>Dear Rama Kant Rai:
>Thank you for reminding us that we are/should be human beings first and 
>members of any group/language/community/religion later. Thanks also for the 
>reminder for respect to the innocent victims includuing a large proportion of 
>women and children in this latest conflagration of hate. I agree that some of 
>the content in this forum is beneath our attention and there is a need for 
>being proactive at such a time.
>Can we all try to write individial protests to the Prime Minister, President, 
>Union and State Home ministers, Chief minister, etc as a first step?
>Cynthia Stephen
>Independent Researcher and writer
>Bangalore, India

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