Hi Everyone,

I created Java code from an xsd file using the CodeGen tool. The problem
is, that the schema defined in the xsd is needlessly complex and so it
is a real pain to use the generated classes (especially the class
ElementType from the binding listed later). So I decided to write a
custom marshaller/unmarshaller for ElementType and use the generated
classes for anything else. I also changed the generated binding.xml to
use my custom marshaller/unmarshaller.

<binding xmlns:tns="NameSpace" name="binding" package="packagename">
        <namespace uri="NameSpace" default="elements" />


        <mapping class="packagename.MappingClass1" name="MappingClass1">
                <structure map-as="tns:ElementType"
get-method="getElementType" set-method="getElementType" usage="optional"

        <mapping class="packagename.MappingClass2" name="MappingClass2">
                <structure map-as="tns:ElementType"
get-method="getElementType" set-method="getElementType" usage="optional"

        <mapping class="packagename.MappingClass3" name="MappingClass3">
                <structure map-as="tns:ElementType"
get-method="getElementType" set-method="getElementType" usage="optional"

        <mapping class="packagename.MappingClass4" name="MappingClass4">
                <structure map-as="tns:ElementType"
get-method="getElementType" set-method="getElementType" usage="optional"

        <mapping abstract="true" type-name="tns:ElementType"
                unmarshaller="packagename.ElementTypeMarshaller" />



The problem is, that when I run the binding compiler, I get a
NullPointerException on line 1144 in class

I investigated this a little bit using the debugger discovered the cause
of the problem:

1139: m_activeContext.getMappingAtLevel("packageName.ElementType")
returns null (I guess this is not right)
and in the next iteration
1139: m_activeContext.getMappingAtLevel("{NameSpace}:ElementType")
returns an object of type MappingDirect. As map.isAbstract() is true,
the if condition evaluates to true and as map.getBinding() returns null
for the type MappingDirect, the access to the bind object yields the

I don't think that this is a problem of jibx but rather a user-error
that is I did something wrong in the binding definition.

So any help on this would be much appreciated even if you have a
completely different idea how to solve this. I gladly provide any
further information you need!

Thanks in advance!

- Michael

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