>From this list of bugs that Jaideep sent in, I've fixed #4 and #5.  #4 I 
fixed in an interesting way - the system will essentially only allow the 
first element it finds with a given class label (from the getClassLabel 
method).  Any other elements with the same class label it will ignore.  This 
could have certain consequences that have to be known to other developers, 
since they might accidentally name a component the same as a previous 

Come to think of it, this would be a good use of a log4j statement - to 
output the names of any classes that are skipped by the MenuFactory for this 
or other reasons.  [...working...]  So, I've added it.  

Now if someone would tell me what to do about this:

log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category 
log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly.  

Any help??


On Monday 20 August 2001 12:58, you wrote:
> hi there
> congrats for adding some very useful functionality in jmeter lately.
> i have used jmeter build dated Aug 13 for testing and found a few bugs.As
> we expect another release of jmeter soon, these bugs might just help in
> making the release better.
> 1)i tested yahoo.com with image download option and infinite looping, but
> the test stopped after throwing NullPointerException for an image it could
> not download.
> 2)for altavista.com i found that jmeter downloaded only 3 images out of 9
> that were on the page.
> 3)the proxy server doesnot seem to stop upon pressing Stop button. 
> after pressing that when i try to run some other server on same port...that
> was not started.
> 4)More than one entry of ApacheJMeter.jar in classpath, causes some of the
> options in GUI popupmenus to appear more than once.e.g. if there are 2
> entries of ApacheJMeter in classpath (i would do that when i put the latest
> jar in front of classpath, ahead of old jar, without changing the
> classpath), the options in popups would appear twice...i think this is
> because of the way ClassFinder class works.
> 5)i have a link like this in site....
> a href="goto.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com"
> i.e.the url is encoded
> while running the html parser..the link gets downloaded as
> ....?url=http%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.g.oogle.com
> i.e.it encodes the % and it doesnt work
> hope this all helps in making jmeter even better.
> thanx
> jaideep
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Mike Stover

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