I'm testing an option for parallel module loading. If you are interested,
please help by letting me know if there is any significant difference

1) clear JAVA cache (Windows control panel...Java...temporary internet
files...select all...delete
2) http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/examples-12/simple0.htm

1) clear JAVA cache (Windows control panel...Java...temporary internet
files...select all...delete
2) http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/examples-12/simple1.htm

Any difference there?

People with particularly slow internet connections especially useful here.



Robert M. Hanson
Professor of Chemistry
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Ave.
Northfield, MN 55057
phone: 507-786-3107

If nature does not answer first what we want,
it is better to take what answer we get.

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