Hi Angel,

Thank you for the examples. 

First I tried running your code in the console 

load data "model example"|@<TRIPOS>MOLECULE|Molecule Name|5 
4|SMALL|NO_CHARGES|||@<TRIPOS>ATOM|1 C1    -0.0000     0.0000    
-0.6300 C 1 fluromethane  0.123871|2 H2     0.0000     1.0330    -0.9980 H 1 
fluromethane  0.035745|3 H3    -0.8946    -0.5165    -0.9980 H 1 
fluromethane  0.035745|4 H4     0.8946    -0.5165    -0.9980 H 1 
fluromethane  0.035745|5 F5    -0.0000    -0.0000     0.7527 F 1 
fluromethane -0.231384|@<TRIPOS>BOND|1 1 2 1|2 1 3 1|3 1 4 1|4 1 5 
1|end "model example";

... but got the usual error message: 

File Error:No atoms found
for file null
type Mol2
script ERROR: No atoms found
for file null
type Mol2

Then I tried it with replacing the vertical bars with newline chars and the 
structure was loaded successfully. 
Why is loading the data with vertical bars not working for me? 

When I ran the reload command (load "";), however, I got this error: 

File Error:unrecognized file format for file

model example

script ERROR: unrecognized file format for file

model example

         load <<<<""

The same happens with this simple data taken from the documentation: 

load data "model example"
C 1 1 1
O 2 2 2
end "model example";

Loading is fine but reloading fails with the "unrecognized file format" 

I get the same behaviour for all of the above whether I run the scripts in 
JSmol in a browser or in Jmol directly. 
All of the above works absolutely fine in version 14.2.7. 
Any idea what might cause this? 


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