
Thank you, Dirk, and happy new year everyone !

I didn't do all the work :) While I fixed a lot of minor bugs and added
many small changes, Simon and Alexei did a lot of more visible
enhancements, they deserve many thanks as well :)
Special thanks also to everyone who help us to manage the overwhelming
amount of tickets, to write presets patches, to translate both wiki and
software, or simply report bugs. You have no idea how helpful you are if
you contribute in these areas.
It's good also to see new people contributing to JOSM ecosystem by
providing new plugins. Notes plugin is a nice example of a feature we
didn't have time to work on but that can be used by everyone thanks to
other developers, thank you !

Apart of software changes for end-users, 2013 has brought a couple of nice
things for us developers:
- a new server !
- continuous integration
- usage statistics with OS marketshare
- a free code signing certificate
- milestones

What I expect to see for sure in 2014:
- a free website certificate (should be soon, stay tuned !)
- move to Java 7

What I'd love to see this year:
- move to Transiflex. Launchpad is more and more inadequate for us with its
very poor performance and the apparent non-willingness to improve it.
- more translators. Hoping that a Launchpad migration would help.
- a new logo ! if someone knows a good artist, let him know about ticket
#6896 :)
- a way to test on Mac.

Finally, thanks to everyone using JOSM as their preferred editor. Happy new
mapping year !


2013/12/29 Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>

> Hello,
> another year gone and still JOSM is alive and actively developed.
> You may have noticed, that I did very little lately - Thanks a lot to
> Vincent Private (Don-vip) for doing all the work.
> Also thanks a lot to all the people contributing one way or the other. We
> don't make these obvious major changes, but all these small steps have the
> same effect. After some time a lot changed.
> It makes me especially happy that even without me actively supervising
> JOSM, the development goes the way I like: Constant improvements and
> always ready to be used. About 60% of our users use the last tested
> version and approx. 5% use latest.
> JOSM is really stable. We get lots of bug reports, but very few severe
> issues. Most time a lot of discussion is involved to find a proper
> solution which means that these reports care for finer details instead of
> major issues.
> Some examples this year showed us that JOSM is no longer an OSM tool. It
> got a powerful tool for map display and applications away from OSM. I'm
> happy about that (though OSM still is our main focus).
> So again thanks to all contributors and a "There is still a lot to do" to
> these who do not yet contribute. :-)
> Ciao
> --
> http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)
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