The March release is now available as version 6950 :)

Main improvements this month concern circle/alignment functions (thanks to
Balaitous, a new contributor), HTTPS support, bugfixes and beginning of
Java 7 migration.

This release is still compatible with Java 6, as it will be also for the
next release at the end of April.

After that we plan to migrate to Java 7, so if you're still using Java 6,
now's a good time to switch. See migration progress.

Here's the changelog:

* major changes/enhancements
  * Enhancement of Align Nodes in Circle, Create Circle and Align Nodes in
Line actions
  * Access to OSM and JOSM websites in https by default
  * Remote control: listen also in https
  * Make UI messages copy-able
  * Ask Mac/Debian/Ubuntu users to update to Java 7
* minor enhancements
  * Add "Add/Edit/Delete" entries to tags/memberships contextual menus
  * MapCSS:
    * Add support for `@media` expressions
    * Add CRC32 checksum
  * Validator:
    * Check addresses interpolation range/values
    * Check wrong multiple values
  * WMS: filter unsupported image formats, preselect jpeg or png

Summarized changelog:

Complete changelog:

Milestone view (need login):

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