[jQuery] Re: Help with draggable / droppable

2008-01-19 Thread Scott González
The draggable plugin only moves the element on screen (changes it's top and left offset), it does not natively affect the DOM in any other way. The proper way to handle this is to do what you did in the drop callback, which is to modify the DOM yourself, but you shouldn't need a cloned helper to

[jQuery] Re: How do I use a general error message with the Validation plugin?

2008-01-19 Thread Scott González
Check out the Marketo demo which is included in v1.2rc1 (see http://tinyurl.com/ytgwmf). In particular, look at lines 28-40 in mktSignup.js. On Jan 18, 9:49 pm, Nazgulled [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I'm using the Validation plugin (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for Designers

2008-01-19 Thread Rick Faircloth
Ø Wherever you display code in your articles, it appears to be only a few lines of scrollable text (iframe?). Ø I want to check out the rest of your site but its hard to look at code this way :( I very much agree with this point. It’s very hard to grasp the context of certain code when

[jQuery] Re: Using getJSON...not successful

2008-01-19 Thread Rick Faircloth
Now, I've never used Ajax, so this is just a short in the dark at the broad side of a barn. With that in mind, I was wondering if the /mysite/myajax part shouldn't have an extension on the myajax part, as in myajax.html or something? If not why not? Isn't that referring to a specific page on

[jQuery] Re: Making a Click to bring up user information link in jQuery

2008-01-19 Thread Sykoi
Could really use some help figuring this out On Jan 17, 6:06 pm, Sykoi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I apologize for the subject, it doesn't really explain what I'm having troubles with right now... Basically I need to create a little div popup that comes up (And stays up until an X is pressed in

[jQuery] creating a table from an array

2008-01-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My use case is pretty common and surely it is in some tutorial but I cannot find the right place where to look, so let me post here. I would like to generate an HTML table from JSON data coming from a server. I am a very green when it comes to Javascript, so naively I wrote the following code:

[jQuery] Re: Design question.

2008-01-19 Thread Shawn
A good start, but I see a few issues here. Both from the same line of code: var id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id).substr(1); 1) the structure has to be known for this to work. (i.e. the ancestor element two levels up contains the ID). This may be a non-fixable thing though. You're

[jQuery] Using toggle show fast and hide slow!!

2008-01-19 Thread fshuja
how can i show a div slow and hide it fast using toggle? thnx

[jQuery] Re: $.post related question

2008-01-19 Thread fluffless
On 19 Gen, 01:38, Jack Killpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You might find this useful for serializing your data and working with the dynamically created forms: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/#fields Thank you, it'll come handy for some other task :) I've found a solution for my

[jQuery] jQuery HTML Modified

2008-01-19 Thread darwin2kx
I am running a simple script to grab an image name and throw it into a page every 15 seconds. The problem is that when I pass some HTML for an image tag to jQuery to have it inserted, it seems to be modifying it so that it is set to display:none. Is there any way I can fix this? script

[jQuery] $.ajax not refreshing content - nothing happening in the callback

2008-01-19 Thread pedalpete
Hi all, this is a really strange one. Not sure where I found the example code for this, but it has been working for me without an issue and I have it running multiple times on my site. But for some reason in this one instance it isn't working, and I keep checking everything and it all looks fine

[jQuery] blur FireFox/IE

2008-01-19 Thread Jean-Sébastien
Hi, i'm trying to do a function on blur event, it works on Firefox but not on IE. what's the reason? I just do this: $('.down_menu.show').livequery('blur', function(){ $(this).removeClass('show'); }); Maybe i should precise i'm using jquery 1.2.1

[jQuery] Problem with cluetip using ajax displays an empty tooltip!

2008-01-19 Thread KnoxBaby
Hello, I have set up a test page here: http://www.jahlabs.de/jquery/test3/um/ When you hover over the to icons in the column data, the tooltip is being showed but there is no content. If I remove the file that should be loaded by ajax (http://www.jahlabs.de/jquery/test3/um/ajax.html), I see

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for Designers

2008-01-19 Thread Remy Sharp
Thanks for the positive feedback. @McLars - thanks for that, it was just a plain old typo. @Gautam - it's a div with overflow auto. Either way, I completely agree and I've been in the process of redesigning my blog template. Stripping it down, and making the main content a lot wider so all the

[jQuery] Re: Click event calls twices

2008-01-19 Thread fshuja
thanks a lot for the response. i dont know whats happens same code is working OK now. just after restarting the PC. :|

[jQuery] Re: Still working out drop-down div menu...

2008-01-19 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Karl... Have we stalled out on this project? I've been concerned about asking too much of you. If you want to transition this to a paid project, just let me know! Rick -Original Message- From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Faircloth

[jQuery] Re: How do I use a general error message with the Validation plugin?

2008-01-19 Thread Nazgulled
Thank you, that fixed it! I tried using $.validator.messages.required = ; before, but I didn't noticed the version was 1.2 instead of 1.1 (the one I was using). On Jan 19, 2:17 pm, Scott González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Check out the Marketo demo which is included in v1.2rc1

[jQuery] re[jQuery] placing TBODYs

2008-01-19 Thread Antonio Collins
I'm going to be replacing the contents of TBODY elements with an ajax call which results in TR elements. Will this: $('#myTbody').load(myUrlAndSelector) reconstruct the table body properly or will I have to manually process the row elements myself along these lines: $.get(myUrl,

[jQuery] Re: creating a table from an array

2008-01-19 Thread J Moore
Firebug shows you the HTML as it understands it. So if it doesn't look right, it usually means you are creating invalid HTML. The biggest problem with your example, is that you are calling append() repeatedly, and I don't think the elements are being inserted where you expect. What type of

[jQuery] Re: Callback-return into global variable

2008-01-19 Thread J Moore
Couple of thoughts: 1) $.each() is not for moving through an array. (is for doing something to each matched DOM element) try: for(item in _json) { alert('item:'+item);} 2) try defining your global as an object. e.g. var _json = {}; -jason On Jan 16, 2:17 am, Niels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[jQuery] Re: $.ajax not refreshing content - nothing happening in the callback

2008-01-19 Thread Eric Martin
Is it because of caching? Try adding cache:false to your $.ajax options. On Jan 18, 7:52 pm, pedalpete [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, this is a really strange one. Not sure where I found the example code for this, but it has been working for me without an issue and I have it running

[jQuery] help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread cjl
I'm taking my first steps with jQuery, and have run into a performance problem. I am trying to construct a customized inline comment system for a project I am working on, similar to the one used on: http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/chapter02/ Before I figure out the server side, I wanted to

[jQuery] Simple accordion

2008-01-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Look here is something interesting http://www.apple.com/iphone/ ( left bottom) I tried to make a script like that., but I have an animating problem. !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd; html head script

[jQuery] jQuery 1.2.2 Rev: 4454 and jquery-nightly.pack throwing errors?

2008-01-19 Thread Geoff Millikan
This has got to be some error on my side but in case it isn't, I'm seeing the below errors in FF2.0.0.11 with Firebug 1.05 at http://www.t1shopper.com/voip/ so I'm switching back to jQuery 1.2.1 Rev: 3353 this.setArray is not a function http://www.t1shopper.com/ssi/jquery/jquery.pack.js Line 6

[jQuery] Registering 'callbacks' for when jQuery finishes loading.

2008-01-19 Thread jldupont
Would it be possible to have jQuery execute a list of callbacks (held in a global object) once it has finished loading? This would be especially useful when jQuery gets loaded dynamically (e.g. by doing a document.write ). Thanks! Jean-Lou Dupont

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for Designers

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
Looks great, Remy! An excellent addition to the documentation and tutorials out there. I can't remember off the top of my head who is in charge of planet.jquery.com, but you should definitely get this added to it. --Karl _ Karl Swedberg www.englishrules.com

[jQuery] Re: Problem with cluetip using ajax displays an empty tooltip!

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
Hi, I think the problem is that your ajax.html is not a well-formed document. It has nothing in it but text and a single br /. Try making it a real HTML document and put the text inside the body element. --Karl _ Karl Swedberg www.englishrules.com www.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread polyrhythmic
CJL, For 109 paragraphs, rewriting the HTML may always be slow, depending on the client. You could have $(document).ready put up a 'loading...' message and then launch a setTimeout, and have your DOM-manipulation code run after 500ms or so, whatever's long enough to get the page to display.

[jQuery] Re: Design question.

2008-01-19 Thread polyrhythmic
Hello Shawn, Not having unique IDs will always cause trouble. Not recommended. I've tried various techniques, including building a JS object structure... Something like $(#trigger)[0].extraData = { id: 4 }; ? If you need data stored relative to elements, you could store information with

[jQuery] Minifying and packing failed because of Windows line endings

2008-01-19 Thread Klaus Hartl
Hi, just in case someone else is running into this problem. Whenever I wanted to pack or minify a script of mine I got this error on the console (using ant): js: uncaught JavaScript runtime exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 0.0 from null With the help of Chris Thatcher I found that

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
Here are a few ideas. Not sure how much this will help, but worth a shot... 1. put selectors that are used more than once into variables 2. rather than a bare class, use a tag name when possible in your selectors 3. instead of using string concatenation to build a DOM structure, use an

[jQuery] Re: Simple accordion

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
Remy Sharp recently wrote a good article about this type of effect: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/slide-out-and-drawer-effect/ Especially look at his example using the Accordion plugin: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/demo/plugin-slide-demo.html --Karl _ Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Minifying and packing failed because of Windows line endings

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
thanks, Klaus. Good to know! --Karl _ Karl Swedberg www.englishrules.com www.learningjquery.com On Jan 19, 2008, at 3:28 PM, Klaus Hartl wrote: Hi, just in case someone else is running into this problem. Whenever I wanted to pack or minify a script of mine I got this

[jQuery] ajax sending back redirect breaks history

2008-01-19 Thread Kris
I'm wondering whether there is a workaround or something I missed, or should i file a bug. When you make an ajax submit (with the jquery forms plugin), and you set the dataType to 'script', and the server returns window.location.href='some new location'; it successfully redirects, but instead

[jQuery] error in ui/apps/gallery_advanced/

2008-01-19 Thread Cloudream
when move the slide at right-bottom. Firebug: array has no properties inArray(div, undefined) core.js (line ) click(Object type=mousedown target=div.handle)ui.mouse.js (line 70) (no name)()ui.mouse.js (line 57) handle(Object type=mousedown target=div.handle)event.js (line 254) (no

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread cjl
Thank you for your reply. I could do more on the server side, I'm guessing that python on the server will run faster than javascript in the browser. Chaining the selectors was a very good tip, and does seem to speed things up a little bit. Is there any way to 'profile' the javascript as I try

[jQuery] Minified download version has a large footprint

2008-01-19 Thread Zhami
jquery-1.2.2.min.js is 51.4 KB Is that right?

[jQuery] JQuery and RapidWeaver

2008-01-19 Thread RWT - Gary
I am looking to implement JQuery toggle into a RW theme. Currently I am using Mootools to do this but I would like to use JQuesry because it seems to cause less conflict with 3rd party plug-ins. Currently here is how I have things set up: 1. In my master index.html file I have a line that

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.2.2 Rev: 4454 and jquery-nightly.pack throwing errors?

2008-01-19 Thread John Resig
You're using an old version of liveQuery - you've gotta upgrade to 1.0.2: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/livequery --John On Jan 19, 2008 1:15 PM, Geoff Millikan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This has got to be some error on my side but in case it isn't, I'm seeing the below errors in

[jQuery] First posting

2008-01-19 Thread wanapitei
I'm not new to the web but the web hasn't been my major preoccupation. Therefore I feel like something of a neophyte, given all the development the web has gone through in recent years. I'm about to launch a new website which will be heavy on text. At the moment I'm assuming I need some code for

[jQuery] Re: First posting

2008-01-19 Thread Glen Lipka
jQuery plus its plugins have been the perfect tool for me. I am good at html/css and jQuery just fits in perfectly with those. In general, the jQuery base does alot of specific things. Animate something, change something, add click and hover handlers to things, ajax, etc. The plugins build on

[jQuery] Re: Minified download version has a large footprint

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
yep. that's about right. When it's gzipped by the server, its footprint is reduced to about 15k. a packed version (not requiring gzip) is ~28k. --Karl _ Karl Swedberg www.englishrules.com www.learningjquery.com On Jan 19, 2008, at 4:00 PM, Zhami wrote:

[jQuery] Re: Registering 'callbacks' for when jQuery finishes loading.

2008-01-19 Thread Michael Geary
You don't need this if you are loading jQuery with document.write. Simply do another document.write after that with the code you want to want to run after jQuery is loaded, or include that code in the same document.write following the jQuery script tag. Script tags written with document.write

[jQuery] Re: creating a table from an array

2008-01-19 Thread Wizzud
You have 2 very basic problems with your code: 1. Usage of append() The content you append() should be valid html in its own right. For example, your first append does $(this).append('table'), when it should really be $(this).append('table/table') which would insert a TABLE element as the last

[jQuery] Re: animation queue ?

2008-01-19 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
thanks Erik On Jan 17, 2008 7:39 PM, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Check out here: http://erikandcolleen.com/erik/jquery/fxQueue/ Demo: http://erikandcolleen.com/erik/jquery/fxQueue/random.html Or here: http://brandonaaron.net/jquery/plugins/fxqueue/ Demo:

[jQuery] Re: Design question.

2008-01-19 Thread Shawn
hmmm... jQuery.data looks promising. I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip. Shawn polyrhythmic wrote: Hello Shawn, Not having unique IDs will always cause trouble. Not recommended. I've tried various techniques, including building a JS object structure... Something like

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread timothytoe
Have you tried Firebug's profiler? That's what I use. On Jan 19, 12:39 pm, cjl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any way to 'profile' the javascript as I try to optimize it, to find out where the slow bits are? -CJL

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread cjl
Karl et al: Thank you for you helpful replies. I'm trying to understand the above code example provided by Karl: var $flag = $('div class=flag/div').insertBefore('p'); $flag.each(function (i) { ... I'm not sure this works? Is this supposed to be equivalent to: $(p).before(div

[jQuery] Re: Callback-return into global variable

2008-01-19 Thread Danny
$.getJSON and all the AJAX functions are asynchronous; the function returns before it gets any result. That's why there's a callback function: it gets called when the data are available. So when you write load_comments(); $.each(_json.comments, function(comment) {

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
On Jan 19, 2008, at 8:03 PM, cjl wrote: Karl et al: Thank you for you helpful replies. I'm trying to understand the above code example provided by Karl: var $flag = $('div class=flag/div').insertBefore('p'); $flag.each(function (i) { ... I'm not sure this works? Is this supposed to be

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread timothytoe
If Firebug is new to you, you're about to fall in love. Be sure to check out the various online tutorials. On Jan 19, 5:03 pm, cjl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Also, TT, thank you, firebug is exactly what I was looking for! -CJL

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread cjl
Karl: Thanks again. One last bug in the code you posted above, in the $ ('div.flag').each function, the assignment: var $this = $(this); Needs to take place before the if-else statements. Overall, you improved code runs in approximately 1 second...down from 4 seconds for my original code.

[jQuery] Re: help optimizing code

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
On Jan 19, 2008, at 9:39 PM, cjl wrote: Karl: Thanks again. One last bug in the code you posted above, in the $ ('div.flag').each function, the assignment: var $this = $(this); Needs to take place before the if-else statements. Oops. Right. Good catch. :-) Overall, you improved code

[jQuery] Re: Still working out drop-down div menu...

2008-01-19 Thread Karl Swedberg
Hi Rick, Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I sort of lost track of the thread and have been busy with a couple freelance projects, my day job, and my daughter recovering from a tonsillectomy. Anyway, it seems like this conversation has moved away from general interest, so