Hey all.

I found an interesting bug in IE8 today. See http://gomaroon.missouristate.edu
for an example.

We're animating a very wide div (for example, click on the Digital
wallpaper section, and there's a div with an id of
"NormalWallpaperContainer" that includes thumbnails of wallpapers).
The problem in IE8 is that the left positioning starts creeping off by
one pixel on each click after the second click, but only when IE is

For example, if you're on the Desktop (Normal) category, once you
click to the right twice, the left property of the CSS on that div
should be -510px. In IE8, the animate function tries to set left to
-510, but IE sets itself to -509. Directly calling .css
("left","-510px") or .css("left",-510) both result in IE8 setting left
to -509px (and jQuery's position function returns that value as well).
Also, trying to do a direct set through JavaScript results in -509px
as well. Only when -511 is passed in will IE8 set itself correctly to
-510. Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, etc. all exhibit the correct

I'm working around this problem just fine (setting left to the desired
position - 1 when the position is incorrect), but thought this might
be something jQuery could compensate for in the future. Perhaps some
of you have some insight into this!


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