
I am experiencing the following problem with the Superfish plugin.  I
have a series of drop down menus that slide down upon hovering over
their parent.  However, I have noticed the following issue with menu
items not displaying.  I can reproduce the problem as follows:

1) Hover over a parent menu item
2) Move quickly to another parent menu item before the menu has fully
completed its animation
3) Move back to the parent item in #1

The result is that the menu does not expand until I hover over another
item and then go back to it.  My Superfish initialization settings are
as follows:

//Initialize Main Menu
        autoArrows: false,
        animation:   {opacity:'show',height:'show'},
        dropShadows: true,
        delay: 400,
        speed: 'normal'

The behavior only occurs when I animate the menus.  If I remove the
animation I do not experience the problem.  Please see
http://www2.dordt.edu/athletics/soccer/women/ for an example of the


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