I had this problem and managed a workaround by adding a line in the
jqModal.css file:

In the * html .jqmWindow selector add the line:

left: expression(Math.round(50 * (document.documentElement.offsetWidth
|| document.body.clientWidth) / 100) + 'px');

(Note: the value of 50 relates the percentage value of the 'left'
property in the .jqmWindow selector)

For clarity, the whole of the selector reads:
* html .jqmWindow
    position: absolute;
    top: expression((document.documentElement.scrollTop ||
document.body.scrollTop) + Math.round(5 *
(document.documentElement.offsetHeight ||
document.body.clientHeight) / 100) + 'px');
    left: expression(Math.round(50 *
(document.documentElement.offsetWidth || document.body.clientWidth) /
100) + 'px');

Hope the above makes sense.


On Jul 2, 9:35 pm, rolfsf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I encountered a bug when implementing dragging in a jqModal window via jqDnR.
> In IE6, IE7 and Safari 2, the modal window would initially jump to the left,
> partially off screen when starting to drag. This would only happen the first
> time I tried to drag.
> After tearing my page down to the basics, I appears to be related to the
> positioning  using percentages (e.g. top: 17%;)
> I went back to the jqModal download & demo page, and sure enough, the bug is
> there. Go to example 3Ahttp://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/
> try to drag the window
> if I change the positioning to use pixels instead of percentages, it seems
> to go away... but that's not ideal for centering.
> Anyone have a better fix?
> --
> View this message in 
> context:http://www.nabble.com/jqDnR-%2B-jqModal----dragging-causes-jump-in-IE...
> Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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