Hi , i just came across this ajax upload
i wish to use it inside a form as shown in the demo
page <http://valums.com/wp-content/uploads/ajax-upload/demo-jquery.htm#>example
3. For some reason i am not able to make it work. I am not sure what
parameters come into the function. For example here is my sample code.


/* Example3 */
        var upload = new AjaxUpload('property_i',
        action: 'submitproperty.php',
        autoSubmit: false,
        onSubmit : function(file , extension){
        return false;

        var upload_data = upload.setData({


Now th ID used in the AjaxUpload function should be ID of the <input type =
file .../> or of the Entire form. Also how do i use setData method. Any
suggestions or links will be very helpful. Thanks
idrish laxmidhar

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