Hey folks,

Anyone using the cfjs plug-in for jQuery is urged to go get the very
latest version from the SVN repository over at http://cfjs.riaforge.org.


Well, I accidentally left some debugging alerts in the code of my last
update. The alerts were associated with my last bug fix for the
DollarFormat() and _CurrencyForThousands() functions.

Anyway, it's possible that you've got the alerts but haven't noticed
them because you're not using DollarFormat(). To ensure you've got the
latest code, look at the comments of the uncompressed version and it
should be v1.0.3a (SVN revision 16). If you're using the packed
version, be sure to get SVN revision 15.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I have to work. :o(

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