Anyone have an example of using the "show" callback of the UI.Tabs?

I am having a problem where for a second or two on initial page load
the un-jQuery-tabbed <ul> list is showing, and then when the ".tabs()"
gets run then it shows the tabbed display that i want

So i figured i would set the main <div> to "display: none" and then on
that "show" event unhide the div....  so then instead the user would
see a blank area and then the fully tabbed interface

 I see the option in the ui.tabs.js file:

    $.ui.tabs = function(el, options) {

        this.source = el;

        this.options = $.extend({
            // basic setup
            initial: 0,
            // callbacks
            add: function() {},
            remove: function() {},
            enable: function() {},
            disable: function() {},
            click: function() {},
            hide: function() {},
            show: function() {},

and I tried this simple setup:

    $("#TabContainer ul").tabs({
        show: function() { alert('Show Event') }

but there is no reference in the rest of the js of that option/
event...  (perhaps it is an incomplete feature?)

Maybe some other advice on how to avoid seeing the untabbed <ul> to

Thanks in advance

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