I might be getting confused about the proper use of "this".  I thought
I understood how this worked, and that since I am triggering the
onclick even on an anchor, that the "this" would be in the context of
that anchor tag, so that I could grab its href.

Here is what I have done, but it is returning undefined for asseturl.

function deleteAjaxAsset(message, assetid) {
   var asseturl = $(this).attr("href");
   var confirmDelete = confirm(message);
   if (confirmDelete == true) {
      if(action == "delete") {
         $.ajax( {
            type : "POST", url : asseturl + "?action=delete" }

<a href="http://www.testpage.com"; onclick="deleteAjaxAsset('Are you
sure you want to delete?','testid'); return false;">Delete</a>

Thanks guys!

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