Hopefully this won't sound too silly, although it probably is. I've
been scratching my head about how to get 2 jQuery plugins to be aware
of the same array variable.


$(function () {
    anArray = [ ];
// Instead of hardcoding the values in an array like below:
//       anArray = [ [A,1], [B,2], [C,3]   ];
// I want to read it from a csv file using 
So I put in:
    $.get("a1b2c3.csv", function(data) {
      anArray  = $.csv() (data);
      alert(anArray);                   // this works just fine. File
is read. anArray is set. Everything's great.

    // but outside of the $.get function, anArray is undefined. And i
can't pass it out no matter what I try!

   // ....... passing anArray to jQuery flot plugin to plot a graph,
among other things ......


I'm sure I'll get a big "duh!" from someone on this mailing list. But
alas, I admit, I'm new to jQuery.

Thanks in advance,

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