Hi Gurus

I have a generated dropdown list with years and an onChange event.
Sometimes the select field has a value '(All)' as first entry. I want
to remove this entry and trigger the DOM Level 0 Event.

This would be my page:


<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
$(function() {

  //works but cant trigger event for select

  // should be something like this, but this doesnt work


<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">

<select id="PG1_ZEPLNZPJ_V01" class="urDdlWhl1 urV" onchange="alert
('clicked')" name="PG1_ZEPLNZPJ_V01" ct="DropDownListBox">
<option selected="" value="0000">(All)</option>
<option value="0001">2008</option>
<option value="0002">2009</option>
<option value="0003">2010</option>
<option value="0004">2011</option>
<option value="0005">2012</option>
<option value="0006">2013</option>
<option value="0007">2014</option>

Really ned some hints here :-)

thanks guys

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