Well, I've been looking at the numbers on RIAForge.org at the number of people downloading CFJS for jQuery. My first thought was, "Yay! Lots of people are finding it useful!" My second thought was that about a dozen or so people find it useful, but keep having to re-download, because I'm constantly releasing new functions and fixes. Either way, it's a fun bit of code to work on. :o)

So, I've just released a new patch, which brings us up to 1.1.2. This patch adds the dimension checking ability to the IsArray() function. $.IsArray(myArray, 3); will return true if 'myArray' has three dimensions, and false otherwise.

If you don't need this functionality right away, don't feel like you've got to go get the latest release. There are no additional bug fixes or anything of that nature.

If you're interested, here's an idea of what I want to do next:
1. finish the DatePart() function. It's missing the 'y' and 'ww' date parts. 2. Add three additional functions (can't remember off hand which ones, but I've got it written down) :o)
3. Add a few more examples to cjordan.us

I've a couple more ideas, but it'd be premature to mention them now. ;o)



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