Okay, I think I figured this one out. I've put up a very simplified
page that shows the problem in action, and it was during the creation
of this page that I figured out what (or more accurately where) the
issue is.

view the page here (http://cjordan.us/test/ChrisTest.cfm).

My original function:

function DeleteGroup(){
    var $group = $("#GroupKeyID")[0];
    var index = $group.selectedIndex;
    var groupname = $group.options[index];

In it I was just trying to remember exactly how to access a specific
option (I know easy stuff, but sometimes i need reminding). So I used
$.dump() (available in jquery.dump.js) to dump the DOM element and
that reminded me, "Oh! Right, the options array... I remember now."

So I adjusted my function to what you see above and ran it expecting
to see a dump of the option DOM element. But instead I got this weird
error (the one which is the subject of this thread).

I tried it in FireFox.

Of course, no problems there. It did exactly what I expected it to do
without complaining about Automation support (whatever that is...)

So in simplifying this example for the fine folks on this list to
view, I also decided to add the following line to the function


So now in addition to dumping the DOM Element, I'm alerting the value
that I expect to be there.

I tried it in FF just to see that all was still well. And it was (as

I tried IE... and the darn thing *worked*! Well... at least the
alert() statement worked. After clicking the 'ok' on the alert, the
error popped up again.

It was the *dump* that failed and caused this weird error!

So, the point is that I can continue life the way I was trying to
before, but that the author of $.dump() (Daemach, I think?) seems to
have a bug.

Just thought I'd share this with y'all in case anyone else gets bitten
by it.

Now... if we can just get that $.dump() bug fixed (if indeed it is
fixable in IE). Hmmm... ;o)


I've got a test page that shows this bug.

On Apr 19, 10:39 am, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'll see what I can to about getting an example page posted to the web where
> others can see it. My client currently has me working on another aspect of the
> project, but I should still be able to get it done today.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> PS...
> > <giggle/> What'd you call me?! <snort/>  <guffaw/>  I'm a newbie here
> > too.  I only answer what look to be easy ones, because I know far too
> > little yet.  :-)
> Meh, don't short-change yourself. I'm a noob in some areas, and in others I'm
> not. If you can help me, it doesn't matter what you *don't* know! :o)
> Thanks (again)
> Chris
> --http://www.cjordan.us

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