Excellent solution!  Had the same exact problem and was scratching my
head for a while.

Thank you very much!


On Jan 2, 9:18 am, NRutman <nathan.rut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This had me scratching my head for a while, so I wanted to share it in
> case it might help someone else:
> It seems that using JQuery's attr() function to set a table 
> cell'scolspanattributedoes not always work properly.  Sometimes although
> theattributeis set properly in the DOM (which can be verified if you
> read thecolspanattributewith attr), IE still renders the cell as
> only 1 column wide instead of thecolspanvalue.
> What seems to work best is something like this:
> $(jQueryTableCells).each(function() { this.colSpan= someValue; });
> The JavaScript implementation ofcolSpanseems to work fine.  Looks
> like a problem with IE's implementation of the DOM rather than with
> JQuery, but I couldn't find it documented anywhere, so I wanted to
> post it here.
> -Nate

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