
>We are developing a site at http://www.trashortreasure.com.au/
>When you click on an icon on a Google map, the info window opens and
>when you click on read more it should open a thickbox.
>Problem is that some of our users report the feature not working in
>FF3. Then for some it doesn't work in IE6. For others it works. Most
>of them got it to work in IE7.
>That's a strange FF3 and IE6 consistency problem.
>I was wondering if you can you have a go with it and see if you can
>spot anything unusual?

My guess is it's not a browser problem, but a JS problem. I just took a look
at your tb_show() function and that thing is huge. You also have everything
in a try/catch block with the catch just doing nothing--which is probably
what's happening.

You might want to add a statement to your catch block that sends the error
to your server--that way you can view the exceptions being thrown.


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