[jQuery] Re: getJSON invalid label

2008-12-25 Thread mark
jrutter, I am having a similar issue with the Yahoo music api. In my case jQuery is replacing the url: http://us.music.yahooapis.com/artist/v1/list/published/popular?response=mainappid=myappidformat=jsoncallback=? with

[jQuery] Re: getJSON invalid label

2008-12-25 Thread Karl Rudd
That's probably the cache buster parameter (added mostly for Internet Explorer's benefit). Use the $.ajax( { /* options */ } ); function ( http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.ajax#options ) and add cache: false to the options. Like so: $(form).submit(function() { $.ajax({ dataType: jsonp,

[jQuery] Re: getJSON invalid label

2008-12-11 Thread Eric Garside
Using the callback argument in the getJSON function usually won't work unless the recipient is setup to use jsonp. Basically, jQuery is replacing your callback parameter before it sends the request. So you see that you're requesting: