
>I just know that in jQuery + IE5.5 most selectors return empty array.
>After digging into source code I found that it will try to get the
>nodeName and nodeType of document (nodeType=9) which IE 5.5's document
>element doesn't have these two attributes.  As a quick fix I add the
>following lines at the beginning of my HTML:
>if (document) {
>  if (!document.nodeType) document.nodeType = 9;
>  if (!document.nodeName) document.nodeName = '#document';
>and all of my selector works.  Of course there should be other cases
>failed in IE 5.5 but at least simple selectors will work
>Hope this help

Just so you know IE 5.5 is not supported by jQuery. So while this fix may
work for what you needed it for, it's likely that you'll run into other
problems with various jQuery code or plug-ins.


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