I have the validator setup nicely with client side rules and some
remote validations.  That part is working well.

When the form is submitted (via ajax) there may be some more
complicated server side validations that generate errors. (Such as
checking a credit card with the cc service, db concurrency issues,

When I gather these server side errors, I send them in a JSON response
with HTTP code 200.  The best method I could find in the documentation
was "showErrors".  I have this working also, where the 1 or more
server side errors are shown next to each field in error.

The problem is that while this shows them, it doesn't register these
as errors, like the client side errors.  For these server side errors,
once the user changes some other field to trigger a client side error,
the server errors displayed with showErrors vanish.  Also, for client
errors, the submit button does not trigger submit.  With showErrors of
server errors, they can submit again right away.

Looking for a method like showErrors that will treat these errors just
like the other Rules based ones, not clearing the error until the user
has changed that data in some way.

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