I just found the really great Column Filters Plugin:

Right now, you can only use it with tables, and, the tern you are
filter with, has to be the first thing within the <td>, so, if you
wanted to use a <span> inside, or a link this won't work.  I am
interested in modifying it so that I can use it with lists, rather
than tables, and also allot other markup to be with in the <li> tag.
Has anyone used this plugin before?

Here is an example from the code, that I would like to modify:

function runFilters(event) {
                                $('input._filterText', obj).each(
                                        function(iColCount) {
                                                var wildCardPatt = new
                                                        sFilterTxt = 
(!settings.wildCard) ? regexEscape(this.value) :
regexEscape(this.value, settings.wildCard).replace(wildCardPatt,
                                                        bMatch = true;

                                                if (settings.notCharacter &&
sFilterTxt.indexOf(regexEscape(settings.notCharacter)) === 0) {
                                                        sFilterTxt =
                                                        if (sFilterTxt.length > 
0) { bMatch = false; }
                                                if (sFilterTxt.length < 
settings.minSearchCharacters) {
                                                        sFilterTxt = '';
                                                sFilterTxt = sFilterTxt || '.*';
                                                sFilterTxt = '^' + sFilterTxt + 

                                                $('tbody:first tr', obj).each(
                                                        function() {
function(iCellCount) {
if (iCellCount === iColCount) {
        var filterPatt = (settings.caseSensitive) ? new
RegExp(sFilterTxt) : new RegExp(sFilterTxt,"i");

        if (filterPatt.test($(this).text()) === bMatch) {

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