In my plugin, I'd like to provide a constructor (or sorts) that
returns an extended jQuery object with some additional functionality.

I've reduced this problem down to a very simple test case.

I don't get an error until I attempt to run a method of the new,
extended object. The error is "foo.rename is not a function". This
apparently means that I was not successful in extending $(this) in the
plugin's constructor, but I'm not sure why. Does anyone know why?

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="
jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  /* Extend the jQuery prototype so any selected element(s) can
implement create_content. */
    /* Initialize this extended object. */
    create_content: function(settings)
      /* Initialize all matched elements. */
      return this.each(function(i, el)
        /* Extend $(this) with additional properties and methods. */
        $.extend(false, $(this),
            s: settings,
            /* Show this content. */
            activate: function()
            /* Hide this content. */
            deactivate: function()
              return this.hide();
            /* Change the content. */
            rename: function()
              return this.html(settings["text"]);
    }, // end create_content
  }); // end $.fn.extend

  var foo = $("#foo").create_content({ text: "New text for
foo." }); // Error: foo.rename is not a function.
  var bar = $("#bar").create_content({ text: "New text for bar." });

  <div id="foo">Foo</div>
  <div id="bar">Bar</div>

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