I'm seeing some weird behavior with the slideUp() and slideDown()
functions in IE 6, 7, and 8.

First, open the following URL in Firefox, Chrome, or Safari:

Click on one of the checkboxes under the first grouping with the
heading, "Multi-Select Filter Name 1." A control appears at left. If
you continue clicking on and off checkboxes, you will continue to add/
subtract elements from the control appearing at left. Additionally you
can subtract elements from the control by clicking on the little "x"
icons. Whenever addition/subtraction occurs, jQuery first calls the
slideDown()/slideUp() function, and then deletes the actual HTML that
was just shown/hidden. This animation is very smooth in all browsers
that play according to the rules, but IE 6, 7, and 8 introduce some
"unique" detritus into the animation that makes it appear jumpy.

1. The solid blue border at left turns white during the animation
2. A small white gap at the bottom of each added <li> element appears
during the animation
3. The animation stops when it appears to be only half-way through,
meaning it doesn't change the height from 32px to 0px continuously.
Instead, it goes from 32 px to about 16px, and then straight to 0.
4. #3 seems to be worse when the "x" icon is clicked rather than
unchecking the checkbox.

I'm using jQuery v. 1.3.2. All my code is in the file

I've read about issues like these in earlier versions of jQuery, but
applying fixes similar to the ones described in those articles bore no
fruit, which leads me to believe there's something wrong with my code.
Any insight into what's happening here would be greatly, greatly



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