Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish vertical/arrow question

2009-12-02 Thread Charlie
nty of space in the accordion list (horizontally). If the character were in the same span as home, then it would be in the same line. What do you think? On Dec 1, 6:22pm, Charlie wrote: likely a width setting on "LI" or "A" tags, likely from

Re: [jQuery] SuperFish Menu

2009-12-04 Thread Charlie
I looked and I don't see any superfish css or script. Alvin wrote: I used Superfish on other website ( and it works well. When I try to integrate it to this website, it doesn't work. Please click the link below and take a look (this is a testing page, ignore the standard

Re: [jQuery] Superfish: width of top level links - great with js off - too wide with js on

2009-12-04 Thread Charlie
autoarrows: true this appends the link with a span with an arrow image to show links with subs and is adding addiitonal width, set to false Dasher wrote: Hello, I am setting up my first superfish menu and having an issue with the width of the top level link tabs. When _javascript_ is

Re: [jQuery] Can't get the js of superfish to work

2009-12-04 Thread Charlie
jQuery undefined is typically caused by a path problem to jQuery.js, or you may be making calls to jquery before it is loaded ( jquery needs to load before any plugin files) also check that you only hae one copy of jquery loading webstudiolund wrote: I get these faults: jQuery is not

Re: [jQuery] drop down error

2009-12-04 Thread Charlie
sounds like you aren't including superfish.css, modified it or this is a Joomla or other type of template that has preexisting menu css. The superfish css for all sub UL's is positioned offscreen not much anyone can do to help without a link test11 wrote: I am using superfish for

Re: [jQuery] [Superfish] Left side dropdown menu

2009-12-05 Thread Charlie
the subs are absolute positioned , to have them open on left side you can change: .sf-menu li:hover ul,.sf-menu li.sfHover ul { left: 0; } to: .sf-menu li:hover ul,.sf-menu li.sfHover ul { right: 0; } another convenience of the API is being able to use the onBeforeShow option. Have

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - leave current path open?

2009-12-07 Thread Charlie
open and hide are controlled by 2 functions. You would need to rewrite the function hideSuperfishUl() which is at bottom of the js file t.hinze wrote: I am using Superfish and I think this menu is a nice think. But now I have a problem: I want to say Superfish "Please let the current Path

Re: [jQuery] Re: google map with jquery and php(please help me)

2009-12-07 Thread Charlie
This set of many tutorials is one of the best Google map resources you can find: StephenJacob wrote: I'd suggest checking out the Google API documentation for examples. You can also look into some jquery google map examples at ... but i think you'll

Re: [jQuery] Superfish question

2009-12-09 Thread Charlie
no reason it won't, not sure what to spell out other than follow the markup used in examples, make sure to include css file(s) and script file for plugin vertical version has a vertical css file in addition to standard superfish.css LTimmers wrote: Need to know if this jQuery will work

Re: [jQuery] drop down error

2009-12-09 Thread Charlie
a link would help a lot, guessing vs actual DOM inspection is futile test11 wrote: hi when i am using superfish, during the page load beore the image/flash gets loaded all the drop down list are getting displayed at a time .can u suggest me how to hide those dropdown untill the

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish - Auto Arrows on sub menus only?

2009-12-09 Thread Charlie
easier solution is to turn off the insertion of the arrows within superfish options $("ul.sf-menu").superfish({autoArrows: false}); mikeromana wrote: Sorry to be a newb, but I am trying to do the same thing where there are no arrows in the main menu: "Well, just delete the markup for

[jQuery] Unexpected append behavior

2009-12-10 Thread Charlie
Creating a set of dropdowns for US states as follows: $.getJSON("../js/stateListJSON.txt",function(data){ $(data.statelist).each( function(i) { var stateAbbr = data.statelist[i].state; var stateName = data.statelist[i].name; $("#job_state").append("option value=" +stateName + ""

Re: [jQuery] Unexpected append behavior

2009-12-10 Thread Charlie
thanks, no idea how I missed that, I certainly know better Lukas Pitschl | Dressy Vagabonds wrote: Hi Charlie, If you check your code, you'll see that you're not quoting your stateName value, hence the html code for your North Carolina option looks like this. option value=North

Re: [jQuery] Problem with Jquery Superfish in IE7

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
did you try this fix from link on superfish site? Zanfe wrote: Hi all, only in IE7 the submenu appear under my page's content. I use bgframe plugin. Here my code: $("ul.sf-menu").superfish({ speed: 'fast',

Re: [jQuery] Need help with superfish dropdown menu

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
2 ways to approach the color use the onBeforeSHow option withing superfish constructor to add a class to your a hovered tags, or add some li:hover a rules to change in css you have to watch for the #navlinks a:link rules you have that will superseded the superfish rules. Usually easiest to

Re: [jQuery] superfish - nav-bar style menu conflict with mootools

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
Possibly a js conflict with mooTools, have you tried jQuery noConflict? It sounds more like a css problem but without a link is hard to guess sop wrote: Hi came across a situation where i am using the nav-bar style menu in

[jQuery] TreePlugin with Checkbox and some functions..

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
to another div I hope I didn't wrote too much and one can give me a good tip :-) cheers Charlie

Re: [jQuery] ajax

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
page that gets loaded doesn't include head have you tried $.getScript? or you can insert script in body of page being loaded Jojje wrote: Hi! I have a question regarding ajax. In my script i have a lot of css rules set with

Re: [jQuery] detecting edge cases when swapping divs

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
next() is a sibling selector. Since it is contained within content div it will only interact with elements within content testing for length is a very handy method. if( $(this).next().length==0) { // will return true if at bottom, would have to test after the animation, or use length==1 if

Re: [jQuery] AJAX POST listener

2009-12-11 Thread Charlie
when in doubt the jQuery docs are your best friend copy/paste straight from Ajax examples: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "some.php", data: "name=Johnlocation=Boston", success: function(msg){ alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); } }); success callbacks fire when return data is

[jQuery] Re: TreePlugin with Checkbox and some functions..

2009-12-12 Thread Charlie
? cheers Charlie On 11 Dez., 20:44, Charlie wrote: Hi, I'm a newbie in JQuery, but know JS and have allready used some JQuery- Plugins. But now I'm searching for a cool plugin which can handle the following stuff:  - Tree where defined elements are folders and have

Re: [jQuery] how can i do this selection in jquery

2009-12-12 Thread Charlie
this tutorial on event delegation should help if you follow tutorial you'll likely end up with some statement like: if($"#search_form")){ // do nothing }else{ // do something } daft01 wrote: i want to select the div

Re: [jQuery] how to disallow a div's 'left' property from exceeding a specified number

2009-12-12 Thread Charlie
you may want to consider the jQueryUI draggable. It has containment option you also benefit from a big support group for UI exodusnicholas wrote: I'm using this tiny drag plugin to drag div.slider horizontally

Re: [jQuery] Code to remove div when h3 is empty

2009-12-14 Thread Charlie
if the empty h3 tag exists in the DOM you can test the length of text within it. using theoretical class of "postDiv" loop through all the postDiv h3's: $(".postDiv h3").each(function() { // "each" loops through all matching selectors one at a time if( $(this).text().length==0 ){ //

Re: [jQuery] Re: detecting edge cases when swapping divs

2009-12-14 Thread Charlie
n(){ $(this).insertAfter($(this).next()).slideDown("slow"); if($(this).next("p").length==0) { $(this).find(".arrowdown").css("visibility","hidden"); } }); return false; }); Abbey wrote: @Robert The code didn't work for me. @Cha

Re: [jQuery] Re: detecting edge cases when swapping divs

2009-12-14 Thread Charlie
you'll have to do some more to reset the visibility to visible on the up move of course. Was just steering you into one possible way to find the limits Charlie wrote: any tests on .arrowdown will not be of benefit , you need to check for position of it's parent .pane since you

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish sub-menus not working in IE

2009-12-15 Thread Charlie
a link would help have you tried the z-index fix suggested in faq's on superfish site? slflinders wrote: I was told this was the place to get support for the Superfish module. Can anybody help me with the problem below? Thanks. On Dec 14, 6:42pm, slflinders wrote:

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - Question about how submenu can be displayed

2009-12-15 Thread Charlie
No simple solution. With some work you can setup an auto scrolling div inside a dropdown. Markup would use one LI and custom styled div container that you would put your links into and adapt a scroll system to. There are quite a few auto scrollers, once you get one working in a stand alone

Re: [jQuery] Superfish Joomla module: all subs with the same top-value

2009-12-15 Thread Charlie
this can be accomplished with the onBeforeShow option. "This" within onBeforeShow refers to the UL about to be shown. Using jQuery $.offset() function to locate the offset of the UL within the menu you can then use $.css() to make adjustments. joge wrote: hello, I am using the superfish

Re: [jQuery] superfish transparent PNG problem IE (8) when dropdown opens

2009-12-16 Thread Charlie
there is nothing in script or css that does anything with images. Example doesn't have images in menu. troop wrote: Hi Everyone! I encountered a really strange behavior of the superfish menu. It works like a charm an FF etc. but on IE 8 (couldn't test it with a lower one yet) the already

Re: [jQuery] Superfish, menu out of screen

2009-12-17 Thread Charlie
this thread should help jonas wrote: Hi! Is is possible to check if a new UL is rendered outside the browser window? When using Superfish with

Re: [jQuery] Superfish dropdown shows only inside containing li

2009-12-17 Thread Charlie
have you tried disabling the superfish.js and let menu operate in css only mode? not sure how anyone can help without a link Eelco wrote: Hi, I am using superfish in a Joomla template, and it works fine in all browsers including IE6 and IE8, not in IE7 however. I do not have any

Re: [jQuery] Load Superfish menu with AJAX

2009-12-20 Thread Charlie
following assumes superfish.js is loaded with initial page $("#mymenuContainer").load("", function() { $(".sf-menu").superfish( {//my superfish options}); }); callback function will fire after the html loaded. Another method is to put the superfish constructor code at

Re: [jQuery] huge drop down

2009-12-20 Thread Charlie
IE gives limited support to what you can do to style selects. As suggested use a plugin, of which there are many, that convert select's to alternate html yet retain similar functionality fachhoch wrote: that did not help me , I triedgoogle search but none of them worked for me ,

Re: [jQuery] Superfish and Wordpress

2009-12-21 Thread Charlie
you have a bunch of issues going on. First take the $(document).ready superfish constructor out of the internal functions of the plugin. Calling the plugin itself from within the plugin code is asking for problems( and it is throwing an error in Firebug) since you have multiple script

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - current sublevel visible

2009-12-21 Thread Charlie
question is clear ..solution however would take some custom coding of the 2 main hide/show functions within plugin if you manage to create a solution please post it here, others have had same request tominou50 wrote: Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible that the current sublevel ul

Re: [jQuery] Problem with a search form in a loaded php file??

2009-12-24 Thread Charlie 123gotoandplay wrote: hi, have simple search form which works in list.php Now i am 'loading' list.php in #content and now the search function doesn't work. what i have done - change

Re: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Cycle Multiple Pagers

2009-12-24 Thread Charlie
for the arrows you can create absolute positioned containers over top of the slides that fadeIn, show or whatever when hover over slide. use the "next" and "prev" options to assign selector to your arrows within the overlay containers $("mySlideContainer").cycle({ //other options already

Re: [jQuery] menu hover question

2009-12-26 Thread Charlie
very hard to guess what the issue might be .can you post a link or create a test page on slava wrote: Hi, I am trying to create a vertical menu with jquery. I select the cells (divs) which have sub-menues and call .hover function to show sub-menues on hover in and hide on

Re: [jQuery] Slideshow Question

2009-12-26 Thread Charlie
to answer question "is this doable in jQuery"...yes it certainly is. I would suggest using the cycle plugin due to it's robust API. The right tabs can be managed the same as any of the pager examples, just adjust your css accordingly. The text is handled by creating absolute positioned

Re: [jQuery] Simple jQuery Ajax - Using PHP Variables

2009-12-26 Thread Charlie
lots of examples in the AJAX section of For your case following should work: var valueIwantToSend="1223"; $.get("scriptname.php", { variable: valueIwantToSend},function(data){ $("#results").html(data) }); egressor wrote:

Re: [jQuery] Ajax values are lost between 2 operations

2009-12-27 Thread Charlie
lots of possibilities here...a link would help. 1) are the correct values being sent in post? Firebug can be very helpful for determining this using the "Show XMLHttpRequests" option. 2)getScript may be getting called prior to notes.php having finished processing (AJAX is asynchronous),

Re: [jQuery] Re: Ajax values are lost between 2 operations

2009-12-27 Thread Charlie
I don't do much with flash but this param looks strange to me and is what is being written into DOM by your getScript param name="flashvars" value="data-file=../graphiques/notes.phploading=Gamer Certified, chargement des donn?es..."/ Tristan wrote: if it can help, here's the link :

Re: [jQuery] superfish menu issues

2009-12-28 Thread Charlie
can't tell what the problem is when you use default styling. Would be much easier to help if the problem was visible, not theoretical watchbill wrote: I searched and tried implementing some suggestions regarding the desire for transparent first level navigation so it will show the sites

Re: [jQuery] superfish: disable arrows in first list

2009-12-30 Thread Charlie
simple solution is use css to hide them, or use jquery to remove them Thies wrote: Hi, is it possible to "disable" the arrows at superfish only at the first list, so that the arrow will only be shown in the sublists? Thanx a lot Frank, Germany

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - Which files to edit (Simple question) ?

2010-01-03 Thread Charlie
joomla extension will take care of inserting the head code needed as well as provide various options in the admin for setting up menu. Follow the extension instructions. Superfish website isn't really set up for CMS extension installs, like Joomla, however the css tricks will likely be useful

Re: [jQuery] SUPERFISH - submenus not

2010-01-08 Thread Charlie
site isn't loading jquery , or superfish css and script files. Suggest removing one version of jQuery and only loading one. Check the paths to all these files. If they are avaialbel at the correct path you should be able to open them in a browser. Example:

Re: [jQuery] hidden values associated with options of dropdown

2010-01-08 Thread Charlie
you'd likely find this a lot easier by either using a database or array search here's an example using JSON. All of the information is stored in JSON until needed and can be searched easily with $.each CreativeMind wrote: Hi, I need the ways to solve the

Re: [jQuery] superfish navbar submenu

2010-01-09 Thread Charlie
a link would help. There are likely some simple css solutions to your problem Anne wrote: Hi all, I am brand new to this. I have downloaded the sample files. I added the navbar css to the example.html file. Everything works. My problem is that the submenu is visible when I first load

Re: [jQuery] Download jQuery API docs

2010-01-09 Thread Charlie
not a full set of docs but this cheatsheet is pdf and can be very helpful MISS_DUKE wrote: Is it possible to download the jQuery API documentation to my local hard-drive? If so, I don't need to connect the

Re: [jQuery] Jquery UI tabs lockable ?

2010-01-09 Thread Charlie
one method to consider is hide the tab(s), then show when conditions are correct URBY wrote: Hi i was wondering if it would be possible to lock out other tabs so the user is stuck on one ..until a user hits a button. For example an Admin is adding someone to a database- the Admin is on

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - any way to change the color?

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
modify the superfish.css to accomodate design zeebaah wrote: Hello. Ive just got the Superfish mod for my site but the blue color dosnt look good with the design on my page and makes it impossible to read the text in the menu, any way to change the color of the menu to red like the old

Re: [jQuery] Superfish Move sub items

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
The sub menu ul's are absolute positioned at {left:-999} when not visible, then at {left:0} when visible. To adjust position you need to modify the {left:0} NetReach Australia wrote: Hi, I'm using Superfish menu system on my website and I am attempting to move the sub items across, but

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish IE6 dies with opacity CSS attribute

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
UL LI LI will still work as CSS selector. The second LI is still a descendant of the first one, regradless of it's parent and the css is written that way. ime Vidas wrote: You mean UL LI UL LI, instead of UL LI LI? Because you're not supposed to put LIs inside LIs...

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish IE6 dies with opacity CSS attribute

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
my point is to not confuse someone with a css problem by having to change css selectors that work, and is the basis for structure of the css in superfish jQuery would work also with same selector $("ul li li"). The html needs to be vaild for sure but OP was css ime Vidas wrote: It

Re: [jQuery] background-color always returns transparent

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
appears you are using 2 different css attributes. 'background' and 'background-color' try changing style to: .content .division .category.selected { background-color: red; } or see what happens in jQuery with .css ("background"); John wrote: Hi, I used jQuery 1.3.2 and Firefox for the

Re: [jQuery] can anchor tag be used in jquery to define areas

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
" do you trigger your click function to work? or can the anchor tag be used ?" question isn't very clear about what you are trying to do. You can over ride the href with a click function by using " return false; " which over rides browser default action of opening the link, or you can

Re: [jQuery] Re: Problem with jquery tabs on live site

2010-01-11 Thread Charlie
when you put an actual url into tabs href it treats them as ajax tabs. If you aren't using AJAX in them remove the url within the href and replace with href="" Coxy wrote: No I'm not, and in my static mock-up everything was ok. It does this on the live site, and I want to find out why.

Re: [jQuery] Superfish: 2nd dropdown positioning

2010-01-13 Thread Charlie
link doesn't work mcpilot wrote: I have Superfish installed on a website and have a 3-tier dropdown. li/ li/li. The 3rd tier is not positioned correctly, it's behind the second tier. ( Lookiung for the CSS line to tweak to move that out. Pat

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish - Function request: Supporting JQuery UI Theme

2010-01-15 Thread Charlie
you can use jQuery UI css to skin other elements such as a menu. Add the applicable classes to menu and volia Josh wrote: That would be a really useful feature. I've just finished implementing a UI with a graphic designer and it would be really nice if

Re: [jQuery] get the element that called the function...

2010-01-15 Thread Charlie
lots of easy ways to do this depending on your markup. assuming that the 2 links share the a parent container as in: div class=vendors aOther Link/a agood Link/a /div then using .siblings() would be easy method $('.vendors a').click(function(){ //ajax $(this).siblings('a').hide();

Re: [jQuery] Re: Mega menu, but the good one.

2010-01-17 Thread Charlie
superfish is fairly easy to program using the onBeforeShow option. Using jQuery css functions you can make position changes to subs. There is a bit of a mystique about "mega menus" . Reality of using UL LI structure is you can put multiple columns inside an LI using most block level container

Re: [jQuery] Re: Superfish - Arrows don't display on dropdown

2010-01-18 Thread Charlie
without seeing a link it sounds like path problems. Use firebug Net tab to see if everything is loading initialsbr wrote: Also, it appears that the menu works fine on the home page but not on any of the individual pages. Any suggestions there? On Jan 17, 7:57pm, initialsbr

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - Only works on home page, not site Pages

2010-01-21 Thread Charlie
are you using abslolute or relative url's for source files? if relative probably have to switch to absolute initialsbr wrote: I'm not sure what's wrong. I'm building a site in Wordpress. I followed the directions on the Superfish site and things look good on the home page but then the HTML

Re: [jQuery] Superfish - Different colors for each menu column

2010-01-21 Thread Charlie
if you need a different background for each class hover likely have to build a series like following .sf-menu, .sf-menu, .sf-menu a:focus, .sf-menu a:hover, .sf-menu a:active { background: #CFDEFF; outline: 0; } PTwatch wrote:

Re: [jQuery] superfish joomla

2010-02-27 Thread Charlie
Try removing the window.load function, it makes no sense to bind the different menu functions to different page load events jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(function($){ // this is document ready $("ul.sf-menu").superfish({hoverClass:'sfHover', pathClass:'active', pathLevels:0, delay:800,

[jQuery] mouseover/mouseout vs. hover

2007-06-14 Thread Charlie Concepcion
What should I use... I know in CSS :hover element is not supported. is jQuery using the CSS hover element here? I posted this same post earlier... but didn't see it live... trying again..

[jQuery] mouseover/mouseout vs. hover

2007-06-14 Thread Charlie Concepcion
I'm new to jQuery and I have to say I love it! I hate javascript but now I like it cuz of query. Anyways enough of that :) I'm a CSS developer also. I know that the :hover pseudo element doesn't work in IE 6 so I always have to use javascript using mouseover/mouseout events. My question is, in

[jQuery] Re: mouseover/mouseout vs. hover

2007-06-14 Thread Charlie Concepcion
:57 pm, Rafael Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think u can use both, hover and mouseover. jQuery uses javascript to treat it. 2007/6/14, Charlie Concepcion [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I'm new to jQuery and I have to say I love it! I hate javascript but now I like it cuz of query. Anyways

[jQuery] Re: mouseover/mouseout vs. hover

2007-06-14 Thread Charlie Concepcion
: $(function(){ //shortcut for $(document).ready(){fn} $(#nav li).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass(over); }),function(){ $(this).removeClass(over); }) }); 2007/6/14, Charlie Concepcion [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ok I am new to this so here's my old code: $(document

[jQuery] jQuery Examples

2007-06-15 Thread Charlie Concepcion
Hey guys... Wanted to know if there is basic examples of events, selectors, etc. of jQuery; Besides the jQuery site itself which are too basic. I need a little more especially with CSS. Is there any site that contains examples of this. thanks!

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Examples

2007-06-15 Thread Charlie Concepcion
Thanks Rey On Jun 15, 9:40 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Charlie, Go to the tutorials section and run through some of those. Also, if you really want to cut your teeth w/ jQuery, I'd suggest looking at: http://www.learningjquery.com Rey... Charlie

[jQuery] Re: mouseover/mouseout vs. hover

2007-06-15 Thread Charlie Concepcion
Thanks! On Jun 14, 9:27 pm, Brandon Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: $(document).ready is the original and is what happens behind the scenes ... the shortcut is because we don't like typing. :) -- Brandon Aaron On 6/14/07, Charlie Concepcion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks Rafael

[jQuery] Re:

2007-07-02 Thread Charlie Concepcion
-faster-still-20kb/ Rey Charlie Concepcion wrote: I'm a little confused... What's new in jQuery?. did v1.1.3 come recently? and as far as the docs... when was this released? On Jul 2, 9:35 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We're getting hammered with traffic at the moment

[jQuery] Re:

2007-07-02 Thread Charlie Concepcion
Thanks John! :) On Jul 2, 11:42 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The API for 1.1.3 is identical to 1.1.2, you shouldn't have to worry. --John On 7/2/07, Charlie Concepcion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I see there is api reference browser for 1.1.2... when is the one for 1.1.3

[jQuery] Re:

2007-07-02 Thread Charlie Concepcion
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Charlie, Apart from the .is() method taking multiple selectors, yhe overall API hasn't changed so the current docs are still valid. If you're referring to this: that's also valid and requires a simple text changes. Thats

[jQuery] Re: 2 forms

2008-11-20 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: form id=form1.../form form id=form2.../form how would i do a form submit? $('#form2).submit(); is not the correct syntax. what is the correct syntax? thanks Yes, that is the correct syntax. Do you have more

[jQuery] Re: 2 forms

2008-11-20 Thread Charlie Griefer
can you post your code to ? the syntax looks correct, and as long as form2 is a unique ID on the page, it should work (as Mike stated). something else is amiss. On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:44 PM, fa fa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: no, the forms have unique id's. i've checked

[jQuery] Re: anchor text

2008-11-20 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Arman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: a simple one i can't seem to find. I need to change an achors text... I can change the href but not the 'changeme' a href=#changeme/a thank you. -- I have failed as much as I have

[jQuery] Re: 2 forms

2008-11-20 Thread Charlie Griefer
, charlie -- I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

[jQuery] Re: How can i do Image rollover with simple gamma change?

2008-11-24 Thread Charlie Griefer On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 4:03 PM, expat101 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi, thanks for all the replies how can i achieve something like here the 9 thumbs rollover with increased gamma cheers On Nov 25, 8:58 am,

[jQuery] Re: formatting splitting the response from the server using jquery syntax

2008-11-25 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Sean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi There, I'm getting a response back from a .net page. The response looks like this and is variable in length. What is the best way to handle this on the client using jquery syntax? Sean {first: slideshow/52/2.jpg,second:

[jQuery] Re: plug-in questions

2008-11-25 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:33 PM, lukas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am a bit confused with all the possibilities! I am looking for cross- browser plug-ins for tabbing vertical accodion flexible pop-ups (thickbox, lightbox, facebox,...) which you also can use for forms or a gallery.

[jQuery] Re: Selector Help

2008-11-25 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Code: fieldset a href= class=link/a /fieldset fieldset a href= class=link/a /fieldset fieldset a href= class=link/a /fieldset When a link is clicked, I would like to be able to reference the particular parent

[jQuery] Re: Executing multiple actions on the same selection

2008-11-28 Thread Charlie Griefer
yes. jQuery supports method chaining. $(a).hide().addClass(); see Chainability at On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 12:26 PM, flycast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In some other languages I have had experience with one can use the following pattern... object [

[jQuery] Re: quote standards

2008-11-28 Thread Charlie Griefer
i generally use single quotes unless i'm explicitly setting a string. so.. var foo = the quick brown fox...; but when inside of parentheses, i always wrap strings in single quotes. On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Bill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've wondered about this myself. I seem to go

[jQuery] Re: load external html file using j query.

2008-11-29 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 5:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: Dear All, i kind new to j query, Ive been using gray box successfully for a while but i think it time to find something better. ive been trying to figure out how to load a (by using a href ) external html file from

[jQuery] Re: - down?

2008-12-01 Thread Charlie Griefer
if it isn't officially supported. Can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be... but just raises a small flag in my (admittedly small) brain since it's not the syntax that google shows in the examples :) Thanks, Charlie -- I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my

[jQuery] Re: - down?

2008-12-01 Thread Charlie Griefer
PROTECTED] wrote: See They advertise those direct urls, as well as others. - Richard On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Charlie Griefer [EMAIL

[jQuery] Re: Simple way to suppress display of title attribute on hover?

2008-12-01 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 3:52 PM, René [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I sometimes use the title attribute in DIVs to store data. Normally, it displays on mouseover. Just wondering what a best practice to suppress that. ...Rene see

[jQuery] Re: IE6 is not animating the menus and a bunch of JS errors

2008-12-03 Thread Charlie Griefer
not really applicable to the jquery specific question, but as far as debugging JS in IE, have a look at On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:54 AM, conticreative [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: I really need someone's help here. I installed Superfish on a Joomla 1.5 website and it's

[jQuery] Re: selector question

2008-12-04 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:56 AM, clorentzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm trying to hide all the contents from tds within a table *except* for the first td in each tr... I don't want to hide the tds, just their contents, but I'm having trouble finding the correct selector(s) to accomplish

[jQuery] Re: selector question

2008-12-04 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Charlie Griefer [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:56 AM, clorentzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote: I'm trying to hide all the contents from tds within a table *except* for the first td in each tr... I don't want to hide the tds, just their contents

[jQuery] Re: xml find element with this attribute value

2008-12-09 Thread Charlie Griefer
I haven't seen the one yet, but i *love* the how-to-get-anything-you-want-part-1 (and it's sequel). just wanted to say thanks for that. um... thanks! :) On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 5:57 PM, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: :) Here are a couple other resources that you might

[jQuery] Re: JQuery is really a nice tool

2008-12-12 Thread Charlie Griefer
you sure? On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Sid wrote: Just look at this URL You see the login and button click on it then you find that a pop up appears in middle of your page for login that is done with Jquery -- I have failed as much as

[jQuery] Re: radio value on submit

2008-12-12 Thread Charlie Griefer
var tran = $(input:radio[name='transmission']:checked).val(); On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Chiste wrote: I have a problem here. No matter which radio a click, I'm always getting the value of the firts one. How could I get the value of the selected radio? labelinput

[jQuery] Re: JQuery is really a nice tool

2008-12-12 Thread Charlie Griefer
yeah, i'm guessing this was little more than just some spam for the URL in question. On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 5:21 PM, Geuis wrote: Ok, there's no freaking jquery on that page. More so, the html of the page is absolutely HORRIBLE. Right-click disabled. Html above the

[jQuery] Re: [autocomplete] Options

2008-12-15 Thread Charlie Griefer
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Samuel Santos wrote: Where can I find a complete list of all the available options of the jQuery Autocomplete plugin? assuming you're using the following plugin - :

[jQuery] Re: Why won't this work?

2008-12-15 Thread Charlie Griefer
hides it for me. you may have something else going on in the page? another element with the same ID? some other conflict? run just the code that you posted in the original message (nothing else) and you should see it work. On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Rick Faircloth

[jQuery] Re: Why won't this work?

2008-12-15 Thread Charlie Griefer
still workin' fine for me. On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.comwrote: Yeah, there's plenty of other code running. Here's what's on the page…see anything that conflicts? -- I have failed as much as I have

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