Dear Simon,
you are absolutely right, the early Jünger is only an easy target for 
the democratic and pazifist critique of fascist thought. The late Jünger is 
much more dificult to understand and is not at all a simple fascist, the 
concept of the "Anarch" is mainly based on the ideas of the left-wing Hegelian 
Max Stirner, a good friend of Karl Marx, though later Marx criticized him 
harshly, because his concept was very different from the messianic and 
totalitarian concepts of Karl Marx himself. Stirner was a non-violent anarchist 
and freethinker, and the late Jünger was an outsider, humanist and anarchist in 
the postindustrial, highly technological society that was established after 
World War II in the western hemisphere of the world.
Yours, Klaus
P.S.: You are also right when it comes to the professors. Some of them are 
well-trained and intelligent, but they are seldom really original and most of 
the things they write are simply boring.


--- Simon Friedrich <> schrieb am Mo, 22.12.2008:

Von: Simon Friedrich <>
Betreff: AW: AW: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass
Datum: Montag, 22. Dezember 2008, 11:49


Obwohl der frühere Jünger wichtig ist, um seine Entwicklung zu verstehen, ist 
der spätere Jünger zweifellos viel interessante. Aber er ist auch schwieriger 
zu verstehen und keiner "easy target", wie man es auf Englisch ausdrückt. Und 
deshalb - nicht nur weil sie einfach langsamer als andere sind - beschäftigen 
sich die Akademiker immer noch so sehr mit dem frühen J.

Wie J selbst, schätze ich "die Professoren" nicht besonders. Natürlich aber 
gibt es Ausnahmen, und wenn einer meine Urteil ließt, dann soll ich mich im 
Voraus schon verzeihen!


Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Gesendet: Samstag, den 20. Dezember 2008, 00:22:11 Uhr
Betreff: AW: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass

Lieber Simon,
ja, ich glaube, wir sind uns in den meisten Punkten ziemlich einig, auch in dem 
Punkt, dass man Jünger nicht auf den frühen, faschistischen Jünger eingrenzen 
sollte, sondern dass gerade der spätere Jünger, der Humanist, Philosoph und 
Weltbürger, vielleicht sogar der interessantere ist.
Bis dann, 

--- Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@> schrieb am Fr, 19.12.2008:

Von: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@>
Betreff: AW: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Datum: Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008, 13:07

Bravo, also teilen wir diese Meinung - ich hätte es nicht besser sagen können. 
Besonders in einer Fremdsprache.


Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 18. Dezember 2008, 17:39:12 Uhr
Betreff: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass

Dear Simon,
this is a nice blog, and I believe Jüngers "anarch" is the adecuate response to 
the reality we are living in. In our highly technological, postindustrial 
society the most challenging question is how to preserve individuality, freedom 
of will, and the capacity to analyze and to understand the world we are living 
in. Instead of becoming a functional part of the "megamachine" (Lewis Mumford) 
of modern state and society the anarch tries to preserve his mind, his own will 
and his own values, which might be different from those of the politically 
conformist "consumer" which is the model of the ideal citizen of  
the "megamachine" .  The "anarch" is not violent and does not ignore the rules 
of society - this is the difference to the anarchist - the "anarch" knows the 
rules of society and respects them, but only in a superficial way, because he 
knows these rules have to be accepted to a certain point, but they must 
not be adopted by himself. The
 "anarchs" own rules and ideas might be different from those of society and in 
case he collides with society or the society turn against him, he will become a 
"forest-fleer" and an outlaw an will hide himself in the "forest", which is a 
metaphor for his own interior world, his fantasy and dreams and his soul, which 
are never seriously damaged and touched by society.
Klaus Gauger

--- Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@> schrieb am Do, 18.12.2008:

Von: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@>
Betreff: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Datum: Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008, 11:32

Dear Richard, Klaus, et al:
Since it is more or less on this theme of man and state, here's a link to my 
last blog entry "Human freedom and the welfare of the state".
http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com

Von: Richard Krähenbühl <ri...@t-online. de>
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Gesendet: Freitag, den 12. Dezember 2008, 12:28:33 Uhr
Betreff: Re: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass


----- Original Message ----- 
From: klaus gauger 
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 12:18 PM
Subject: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass

Dear Simon,
all your remarks are absolutely correct. The Jüngerian "Anarch" is solipsistic 
and his philosophy has nothing to do with traditional anarchism as a political 
and social phenomenon. The "Anarch" is an individual that is an opponent to the 
tecnical and rational organization of modern society and tries to live his 
libertarian ideas and values.
Klaus Gauger

--- Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@> schrieb am Do, 11.12.2008:

Dear Simon,
concerning Ernst Jünger's anarch, reading through his "Siebzig Verweht" 
diaries, I have gathered the impression that EJ considered himself  an anarch, 
but did not reveal it openly. 
All he has written between the lines would be a chapter by itself.
Anyway, I just would like to translate an entry of 1972, on his way to Alanya. 
One more instance to show how Jünger foresaw things to come:
 "In the plane. Before departure our hand luggage had been thoroughly screened. 
Policemen and policewomen were probing passengers in the cabin.
The shadow-sides of comfort are getting evident, not only on a technical basis. 
Phenomenons like airplane hijacking, kidnapping, hostage-taking are more than 
things curious and signs of decadence. They should be studied ex ovo as 
symptoms of a new valuation or devaluation of man. Man who neither counts as 
person or as an individual, but is subjected to purely material  assessment, 
becoming a commercial item.  In an insurance fraud, for instance, he has to 
appear as a corpse, without any reference to individuality.  Similar to child 
robbery and kidnapping. There is a difference here to antique slavery. Though 
the slave had to succumb to property law, this kind of anonymous substitution 
was missing,  in spite of  cases that were condemned as inhuman already in 
those times.
Value is substituted by number, valuation by numbering. Some signs on the wall 
were already discernable in the 19th century: Bertillon, dactyloscopy, the 
increase of measuring instances which begins with the decimal system. The 
future developement is not yet to foresee. As a sole antagonist, as a last 
solicitor of the godhead there stands the man of art and muse. A sign for it, 
though a sign of want, are the pre-eminent prices for art objects.

p.s. what does "ex ovo" mean?



Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 10. Dezember 2008, 13:22:35 Uhr
Betreff: AW: [juenger_org] Navigating Leviathan's carcass

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