Traveling, The Way of All Prophets
Mevlana Sheykh Nazim Adil al-Hakkani
Lefke, Cyprus 2004
Taken from Mercy Oceans, Book Two

Our Grandsheik is speaking about traveling. The Prophet, peace be upon him, urged people to travel. It is sunnah, the famous way of all Prophets, because they were ordered to teach people and train them. So many people can't find a reason to go to Prophets, their egos preventing them. But if a Prophet comes to them they may believe. Anyone looking to or speaking with, sitting with, respecting, helping, or giving something to them must come to happiness, faith and Islam. If anyone gives a simple thing, a little helping to a Prophet, it is enough to be in protection with him on the last day. Therefore Prophets traveled among people.
Do you know how difficult it is for Prophets to go around mixing with people? Can you name one Prophet not mixing with people? Can you? They were going to their meetings and calling them, and those were very hard people. Allah Almighty says, "Go out and show yourself and call them and be patient with them." For every saint on the steps of the Prophet, it is wajib, mandatory to travel.  They are hunters for people, to bring them from an untrue way to the true way. For 40 years I have been traveling, for the sake of sunnah, and by the order of my Grandsheikh, and coming into relations
with people, that they may help us, respect us or look on us. Indeed one look may be forgotten, but this shape, face will be drawn on his heart, coming back to him in his last moment.
Such a person as our Grandsheikh, his light is not going to be lost. When traveling, you must keep yourself suitable to all people, not quarreling or showing bad character. The difficulties of travel change ego's bad characters into good characters. A man may find rest and peace in his home doing as he likes, but in a foreign country, he can't find everything as he likes or everyone respecting him as his countrymen. You find in traveling medicine for ego's badness and come back home softer, wiser and giving value for everything. 
Traveling is good for bodies and spirits, from two sides gaining. The Prophet says: "Travel, you will find health and provision." Subhanallah, now American and European people are using this hadith saving money to travel on holidays. They are keeping the order of the Prophet without knowing it. Anyone keeping a hadith of the Prophet is hooked. He will be in Divine Presence on the Last Day, saying, "Oh my Lord, these people followed me, traveling once a year. I ask intercession for them." For the honor of the Prophet, his intercession is accepted. Bihurmati Habib, Fatihah
Wa min Allah at Tawfiq
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Ilmu merupakan harta abstrak titipan Allah Subhanahu wata'ala kepada seluruh manusia yang akan bertambah bila terus diamalkan, salah satu pengamalannya adalah dengan membagi-bagikan ilmu itu kepada yang membutuhkan.
Janganlah sombong dengan ilmu yang sedikit, karena jika Allah Subhanahu wata'ala berkehendak ilmu itu akan sirna dalam sekejap, beritahulah orang yang tidak tahu, tunjukilah orang yang minta petunjuk, amalkanlah ilmu itu sebatas yang engkau mampu.



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