My name is Luis. I\'m running koha at San Marcos university.

I have a problem with

1. the staff members delete a record, then I search the record, koha retrieve
this record, but don´t show me information, because the record is delete, but,
why Koha retrieve it?
2. zebra_daemon is running, the output of ps aux | grep zebra is:

koha      2034  0.0  0.0   1940   848 ?        Ss   Sep15   0:09 daemon --name=$
koha      2036  0.0  0.6  22600  5520 ?        S    Sep15   0:04 /usr/bin/zebra$
koha      2038  0.0  0.0   1940   848 ?        Ss   Sep15   0:00 daemon --name=$
koha      2039  0.3 15.8 150588 144096 ?       S    Sep15 127:57 perl -I /var/w$

3. I write a console (Debian etch)
./ -b -a -z >/dev/null 
the koha show me :can\'t use an undefined value as a hash reference at line 87

the line 87 says:
my $biblioserverdir = C4::Context->zebraconfig(\'biblioserver\')->{directory};

I hope that you can help me


Luis M.
Linux user number 386737
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lejanía el ruido de las máquinas de windows reiniciándose una y otra vez

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