Peru: Reports of 4,000 Disappeared - AP

2000-11-19 Thread hkb
Activist Mailing List - Peru Reports 4,000 Disappeared === LIMA, Peru (AP) -- More than 4,000 Peruvians, most of them peasants taken away by soldiers on suspicion of being leftist guerrillas, disappeared between 1980 and 1996 and were never

USA: LRNA says vote Nader

2000-11-03 Thread hkb
WHAT TO DO ON ELECTION DAY -- AND BEYOND Statement by the League of Revolutionaries for a New America Statement by the League of Revolutionaries for a New America November 7 is election day 2000. How will Americans greet that day? Well, it no doubt depends on who

Fw: Ireland: Who Killed Joseph O'Connor?

2000-10-31 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) From: Arm The Spirit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Who Killed Joseph O'Connor? The recent murder of a Real IRA member in Belfast has served to underline increasing tension in the North between the RIRA and the Provisional IRA. The RIRA seems to have increased its membership to pre-Omagh

CPIndia (ML) Liberation: ML Update, Vol:3; No.43; 1-11-2000.

2000-10-31 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) - Original Message - From: "CPI(ML) LIberation" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ML Update : A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine Vol.-3; No.-43; 1-11-2000 Editorial Of Retrenchment and Retirement: Change of Guard in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal With Assembly election slated for early

Germany: 2 Reports On NPD - FAZ

2000-10-31 Thread hkb
Premier Urges Monitoring of More Far-Right Parties F.A.Z. FRANKFURT. The state premier of Rhineland-Palatinate, Kurt Beck, has called for consideration of a ban on other far-right parties besides the right-wing extremist National Democratic Party (NPD). In

Austria: FPO/Police Links - FAZ

2000-10-31 Thread hkb
AUSTRIA: FREEDOM PARTY-POLICE ALLEGATIONS Police Believed Order Came from Haider VIENNA. Several Austrian police officers under investigation for allegedly handing over confidental police information to the populist-right Freedom

Venezuelan Leader Finds A Teammate With Castro - NY Times.

2000-10-30 Thread hkb
NY Times, October 30, 2000 Venezuelan Leader Finds a Teammate in Castro By LARRY ROHTER CARACAS, Venezuela, Oct. 29 - Fidel Castro has been known to make speeches that last up to eight hours, and Hugo Chávez, the president of Venezuela, can be nearly as garrulous. So there was no telling

Brazil: Workers Party Sweeps To Power in Sao Paulo - Reuters.

2000-10-30 Thread hkb
Brazilian Left Sweeps to Power in Sao Paulo By REUTERS SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Supporters of Brazil's opposition left-wing Workers Party (PT) poured on to Sao Paulo's financial avenue late on Sunday to celebrate victory in the mayoral race of South America's largest city, their new

Ireland: 3 Statements From Republican Sinn Fein.

2000-10-30 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) THREE STATEMENTS FROM REPUBLICAN SINN FEIN. === RSF CALLS FOR END TO SLAUGHTER IN PALESTINE ~~ Republican Sinn Féin, Belfast demands the immediate end to the slaughter of innocent Palestinian men, women

Fw: The Red Flag (Canada), Oct.-Nov. 2000

2000-10-30 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) - Original Message - From: "Jacques Beaudoin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] * THE RED FLAG * (Electronic Version) For building a new Revolutionary Communist Party in Canada Vol. 4, No. 2 (26) - October-November 2000 LET'S BOYCOTT THE ELECTIONS! With the coming elections and

Fw: Middle East Crisis - Statement by the CoC

2000-10-29 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] PRESS RELEASE Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism * 11 John Street * Suite 506 * New York, NY 10038 For Immediate Release Date: Oct. 20, 2000 Contact: Georgia Wever Phone:212.233.7151 FAX:

Venezuela: Is Chavez picking a fight? (Oppenheimer)

2000-10-29 Thread hkb
Published Sunday, October 29, 2000, in the Miami Herald IS CHAVEZ PICKING A FIGHT? by Andres Oppenheimer Is President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela trying to provoke a confrontation with the United States? Are his overtures to President Fidel Castro of Cuba and President Saddam Hussein of

Fw:Russia: A brief report on the 10th Congress of RCWP

2000-10-25 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "Viktor V. Bourenkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [MLL]A brief report on the 10th Congress of RCWP On October 20—22, the Tenth Congress of Russian Communist Workers’ Party took place in Cheliabinsk, Urals. Central Committee’s report on Political

Ireland: Two Statements From The IRSP

2000-10-25 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) DERRY IRSP STATEMENT ON INSTALLATION OF CCTV IN DERRY CITY CENTRE = "Last weeks announcement that Derry City centre has received £400,000 for a CCTV scheme is a bitter blow for the working class residents of Derry.

Italy: Protesters aim at McD's and other multinationals - Guardian Weekly

2000-10-23 Thread hkb
International news / Italian protesters beef about hamburgers / Rory Carroll in Rome Riot police were mobilised on Monday to protect McDonald's restaurants as thousands of demonstrators in 20 Italian cities declared war on the fast-food chain. In Milan marchers flung raw meat

New Statesman: Up For Grabs: Stalins Gold

2000-10-23 Thread hkb
Up for grabs: £3.5m of Stalin's gold Nick Cohen Monday 23rd October 2000 You may think the Communist Party and its heirs of no importance. But their wealth could still have a profound political influence. Nick Cohen reports I doubt if one person in 100,000

Ireland: I'm sorry, says republican dissident

2000-10-23 Thread hkb
Im sorry, says republican dissident Self-styled republican dissident Tommy Gorman, has moved to dispel the anger caused in the Upper Springfield community following a highly inflammatory statement issued last Tuesday in which it was claimed that republican writers group Fourthwrite had

Ireland: INLA Man Says I Have No Regrests For Killing King Rat

2000-10-20 Thread hkb
I have no regrets killing King Rat, claims terrorist By David Sharrock, Ireland Correspondent A REPUBLICAN terrorist who murdered the loyalist Billy Wright, known as King Rat, in the Maze prison was unrepentant yesterday when he was freed under the Good Friday Agreement after serving less

Ireland: Tina Turner Angry Over UDA's Use Of Song - Irish Echo

2000-10-20 Thread hkb
Singer angry over UDA's use of song = October 18-24, 2000 © Copyright 2000 Irish Echo Newspaper Corp. By Anne Cadwallader BELFAST -- Rock star Tina Turner is "horrified" at the UDA's use of her song "Simply the Best" to glorify its killings, according to her

Ireland: Former Bomber Scorns Provos

2000-10-20 Thread hkb
Former bomber scorns Provos BY CHRISTOPHER WALKER CHIEF IRELAND CORRESPONDENT MARION PRICE, the former Provisional IRA bomber, yesterday accused her former revolutionary colleagues of being reduced "to an armed militia of the British State". Her bitter oration over the grave of Joseph O'Connor,

Workers World News Digets #179 Part ONE

2000-10-18 Thread hkb
- Via Workers World News Service Reprinted from the Oct. 26, 2000 issue of Workers World newspaper - WORKERS WORLD NEWS DIGEST #179 Contents: 1) PALESTINE: Tromors Rattle Mid East: US Client Regimes Fear Mass

Germany: Neo-Nazis Lay Claim to Center of Small Town - FAZ

2000-10-17 Thread hkb
Neo-Nazis Lay Claim to Center of Small Town By Peter Carstens NEUSTADT. Neustadt an der Orla has a late-Gothic town hall, a 500-year-old church, a business park, and something that the promotional brochures don't tell you about -- a "nationally liberated


2000-10-17 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "anti_nazileague" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Picket Haider's Freedom Party Oxford, Thursday 26 October, 6 p.m. Danson Room, Trinity College There has been fury at the news that the Oxford University European Affairs Society has invited Peter


2000-10-17 Thread hkb
(forwarded) IRA DENIES INVOLVEMENT IN MURDER OF DISSIDENT The IRA has issued a statement tonight saying it was not involved in the murder of a member of the "Real IRA" in West Belfast last Friday. Father-of-three Joseph O'Connor (26) was

Fw: [BLACK-LEFT] Gus Hall

2000-10-17 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "Li'l Joe" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "Black-Left" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: "BRC-Discuss" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 12:51 AM Subject: [BLACK-LEFT] Gus Hall Gus Hall, A Personal Acknowledgement and Commemoration How does one measure

Belgium: PTB/WPB Get 5 Councillors Elected.

2000-10-17 Thread hkb
Workers' Party of Belgium == [EMAIL PROTECTED] Five elected councillors for the Workers Party of Belgium at the local elections. The result of the local elections of October 8, 2000 is a remarkable success, which

Fw: [ANL] Nazi demonstration in Margate, Saturday 21 October

2000-10-17 Thread hkb
(forwarded) Anti Nazi League PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ Tel: 020 7924 0333 Fax: 020 7924 0313 email [EMAIL PROTECTED] STOP THE NAZI NATIONAL FRONT ATTACKING ASYLUM SEEKERS HOTEL IN MARGATE Assemble 1pm, Saturday 21

SLP RALLY: Support the Palestinian Struggle against Zionist Colonialism and Imperialist Brigandage

2000-10-17 Thread hkb
Socialist Labour Party Public Rally === Thursday October 19th, 7.30pm Saklatvala Hall, Southall [entrance at rear of 14 Featherstone Rd, opposite Dominion Centre Car Park] Shameless force from Israel; Shameless hypocrisy from the US

Russia: Workers Take On McDonalds

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
McDonald's Workers Seek Union === By NICK WADHAMS, Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP) - The struggle by some workers to unionize at McDonald's Corp.'s food production plant outside Moscow could hinge on a court ruling that is expected Monday. Yevgeny Druzhinin, a


2000-10-16 Thread hkb A Message to the movement against corporate power : WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT EVENTS IN YUGOSLAVIA Popular Uprising or CIA-IMF Takeover International Action Center 12 Oct 2000 The corporate-funded politicians all agree: The torching of

Ireland: Killing sparks fear of terror feud - Guardian (UK)

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
The Guardian 15 October 2000 Killing sparks fear of terror feud By Henry McDonald Northern Ireland's power-sharing government faces a new crisis after the family of a murdered republican dissident last night claimed the Provisional IRA killed him. The allegation calls into

Lebanon: Hezbollah Captures Israeli Colonael - Reuters

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
Lebanon's Hezbollah Captures Israeli Colonel October 15, 2000 By REUTERS BEIRUT, Oct. 15 -- Lebanon's Hezbollah said on Sunday it had seized an Israeli colonel in a "complex security operation" eight days after it captured three

Kurdistan: Statement From The PKK

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
(forwarded) Statement From The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) ~ On September 11, 2000, the PKK Presidential Council agreed upon and published the following manifesto, which we reproduce in full below. Manifesto For National Peace And National Unity

Subcomandante Marcos (EZLN): Is The Global Market Inevitable? - LeMonde

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
Le Monde diplomatique -- --- October 2000 WHY DO WE ALL AGREE THE GLOBAL MARKET IS INEVITABLE? 'Do not forget ideas are also weapons' by SUBCOMANDANTE

Ireland: IRWG Calls For Inquiry Into Shooting.

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) IRWG calls for inquiry into shooting of Joseph O'Connor ~~~ The IRWG deplores the shooting to death of Joseph O Connor. We understand that the late Mr O Connor was a member of the Real IRA and while we profoundly disagree with that

DSP: May 1: Global strike against corporate tyranny!

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "Green Left Parramatta" [EMAIL PROTECTED] After Seattle, Washington, Melbourne, Prague. M1 - 2K01 May 1: Global strike against corporate tyranny! The Australian Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance call on the escalating movement against the corporate

CPUSA: Gus Hall is dead

2000-10-16 Thread hkb
NEW YORK -- Gus Hall, long time Communist Party leader, died Friday Oct. 13 in New York City. He was 90. ( Hall was one of the most famous American communists. He led an extraordinary life of working class activism and was a participant in nearly all of the most important

Ireland/Scotland: RIRA Get Prince's Details - 2 Reports Plus SSG communique

2000-10-15 Thread hkb
It should be noted that the "Scottish Seperatist Group" mentioned in this report is a "one man army", the product of the warped imagination of Adam Busby, a racist, fascistic MI6 asset who is in self-imposed "exile" in Dublin. He has in the past been responsible for sending letter-bombs to

[MLL]Yugoslavia: The Institutions Are Still Paralyzed By Violence And Threats - Michel Collon

2000-10-15 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) Belgrade Journal, Tuesday, Oct. 10 1 p.m. New elections Dec. 19 [set for Dec. 24 as of Oct. 14] The Institutions Are Still Paralyzed By Violence And Threats MICHEL COLLON Weekly magazine SOLIDAIRE (Workers Party Of

Ireland: Murder Raises Doubts Over IRA Ceasfire (Supanet News (c) Ananova)

2000-10-14 Thread hkb
Murder Raises New Doubts Over IRA Ceasefire == Fresh doubts have been raised over the IRA ceasefire amid claims that the organisation was responsible for the murder of a leading republican dissident in Northern Ireland. Anti-agreement campaigner Jeffrey


2000-10-13 Thread hkb
PROTEST AGAINST ISRAELI MASSACRES AGAINST PALESTINIANS == Saturday, October 14, 3-6 p.m Opposite ISRAELI EMBASSY. Kensington Hight Street, London, W8 and ever Saturday until the slaughter stops. Orgainsed by the PALESTINE RIGHT TO RETURN

Fw:(Ireland) 32 CSM: Letter to Prime Minister Blair re Darren Mulholland

2000-10-11 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "Dawn-Michele Gould" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ATTENTION OF PRIME MINISTER Dear Mr Blair You will recall we delivered a letter to your residence some weeks ago regarding the repatriation of the prisoners - TONY HYLAND, DARREN MULHOLLAND and LIAM GROGAN. The

Yugoslavia: Cops Fascists from Cacak play key role in Kostunica Coup - LA Times Report

2000-10-11 Thread hkb


2000-10-11 Thread hkb
Subject: SERBIAN SOCIALISTS PHYSICALLY ATTACKED - please organize support! The url for this page is It is being sent as email text and as a text attachment Translated from the Serbian text at SERBIAN SOCIALISTS

Ireland: UDA pamphlet calls for ethnic cleansing

2000-10-11 Thread hkb
from The Derry Journal, 6 Oct 2000 UDA pamphlet calls for "ethnic cleansing": The UDA and UFF have threatened a war of ethnic cleansing on Catholics as the crisis surrounding the Good Friday Agreement deepens. Official UDA/UFF publication, "The Warrior", in an editorial this week,

[ANL] Fw: Demonstrate: Stop racist killings, scrap racist laws

2000-10-11 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "anti_nazileague" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Forwarded from CARF. === Sent: 10 October 2000 14:44 Subject: Stop racist killings, scrap racist laws Campaign Against Racism and Fascism - NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION

What Lies Instore For Yugoslvia

2000-10-11 Thread hkb
Report: E. Europe Kids Impoverished By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 2:39 p.m. ET LONDON (AP) -- At least 50 million children in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union live in poverty and are exposed to levels of tuberculosis usually associated with the Third World, a new report says. The

Irish Freedom Committee - 2 Press Releases.

2000-10-10 Thread hkb
PRESS RELEASE IRISH FREEDOM COMMITTEE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 10/09/00 CONTACT: Joe Dillon, National Chairman P.O. Box 182 Boston, MA 02122 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - TRIAL BY MEDIA STALKING The Irish Freedom Committee condemns

Yugoslavia: The Violence That No One Speaks About. - Belgrade Journal.

2000-10-10 Thread hkb
Belgrade Journal, Monday October 9, 1 p.m. The violence that no one speaks about Toward a new test of strength? MICHEL COLLON It's heading toward a new street demonstration, undoubtedly smaller than the one Oct. 5. The Serb Parliament met today and the opposition DOS hurled down an ultimatum:

(Ireland) Derry Republican Remembered - Irish News

2000-10-10 Thread hkb
From the Irish News, October 9 Derry republican remembered === By Aeneas Bonner SEVERAL hundred people attended the unveiling of a memorial in Derry's Bogside yesterday to veteran republican Sean Keenan, who died in 1993.

Fw: [MLL]Attacks on socialists from so-called democrats in Yugoslavia

2000-10-10 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "wolfgang mueller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [MLL]Attacks on socialists from so-called "democrats" in Yugoslavia Dear Comrades and friends, this is a text from the webside of the Socialist Party of Serbia. To see the photos, please look at:

Fw:(ILC) We do not celebrate

2000-10-09 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "ILC" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 5:21 PM Subject: We do not celebrate Clinton and his European satraps are celebrating because they think that with Milosevic leaving the scene they have taken Belgrade and thus

SLP: Report On Visit To Libya By SLP Youth Members.

2000-10-09 Thread hkb
SOCIALIST LABOUR PARTY YOUTH. From the 13th to the 21st of September the Jamahirya society in Libya organised their annual General Youth camp, this one being the ninth. 3 of us attended the camp, Bethane Marshall, Dan Glazebrook and myself. It was also attended last year by SLP both Youth and

Ireland: IRSP Man Says Party Drugs Free - Belfast Telegraph.

2000-10-05 Thread hkb
Belfast Telegraph 30 Sept 2000 IRSP man says party drugs-free By Martin Breen As the IRSP's first annual conference intwo years was taking place today, one party member and former INLA prisoner speaks to Martin Breen about his battle against gangsterism in the organisation. Eddie

S.L.P: Yugoslav Elections - A Lesson In Outside Interference

2000-10-04 Thread hkb
SOCIALIST LABOUR PARTY == YUGOSLAV ELECTIONS - A LESSON IN OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE At the invitation of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Britain's Socialist Labour Party sent a three-person delegation to participate in international monitoring of the Yugoslav elections held on 24

DHKC: Report On Isreali Embassy protest, London, Oct 3rd.

2000-10-04 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) PROTEST OUTSIDE ISRAELI EMBASSY LONDON OCTOBER 3, 2000 In response to the recent wave of Israeli killings in occupied Palestine a protest was initiated by DHKC-DHG (Revolutionary Peoples' Liberation Front-Revolutionary People's Forces) outside the Israeli embassy in London on

Re: S.L.P: Yugoslav Elections - A Lesson In Outside Interference

2000-10-04 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "Macdonald Stainsby" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is this the SLP of Scargill fame? Thanks, Macdonald It most certainly is! regards, James. - Original Message - From: "hkb" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL

Peru: MRTA Communique - September 2000.

2000-10-04 Thread hkb
Communique From The MRTA National Leadership September 2000 To the national and international public, To democratic, progressive, and leftist organizations, To human rights and solidarity organizations, To our people: With respect to the recent political developments in Peru, the Tupac Amaru

Fw: [ANL] Berlin Sat 7 Oct: CLOSE DOWN THE NPD!

2000-10-04 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "anti_nazileague" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:10 PM Subject: [ANL] Berlin Sat 7 Oct: CLOSE DOWN THE NPD! On Saturday 7 October the Anti Nazi League will be sending a delegation to Berlin to join the

Fw:10th Congress of Russian Communist Workers' Party

2000-10-03 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: "Viktor V. Bourenkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** From: the Central Committee of Russian Communist Workers’ Party *** Dear comrades! On

Russia: RCWP Komsomol - RYCL(B)

2000-10-01 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) At the 3rd Congress of Revolutionary Young Communist League (Bolshevik) (also known as Komsomol) in August 1999, a number of individuals declared about setting up various platforms. (One of them was in fact expelled, because he had sympathetic views to Trotskyism.) This

A-INFOS News Service - S26 Prisoners

2000-09-29 Thread hkb
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E (((The INPEG www site has been hacked yesterday, that´s why we use this personal e-mail account.))) This is an INPEG Appeal for solidarity statement: On September, 26

Fw: [New-Worker-News] Ernie Trory - 1913-2000

2000-09-28 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: New Worker Online [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 8:05 PM Subject: [New-Worker-News] Ernie Trory - 1913-2000 It is with deep sadness that we report the death of the Communist writer and historian, Ernie Trory

(Xinhau) Belgrade Elections Fair, Officials Say

2000-09-26 Thread hkb
BELGRADE, September 25 (Xinhua) -- Yugoslav Federal Electoral Commission Chairman Borivoje Vukicevic said on Monday that the Yugoslav federal election has been conducted in a democratic and fair atmosphere. Vukicevic made the remark at a banquet for international observers held by the

S26 London Solidarity Event

2000-09-26 Thread hkb
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 12:03:13 - From: "Helen Luu" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: s26 in london Fwd: --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "sarah byrne" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To All ATAC people in London, here

UK/Ireland: Paper Gagged Over Terror Claim - The Guardian.

2000-09-24 Thread hkb
Paper Gagged Over Terror Claim === Henry McDonald Sunday September 24, 2000 THE GOVERNMENT has issued a gagging order on a Sunday newspaper to protect the identity of one the state's most important agents working in the highest ranks of the IRA leadership. Geoff Hoon, the

USA: Student Gets Communist Reference Removed From Loyalty Oath - Arizona Republic

2000-09-24 Thread hkb
College district strikes Communist Party reference from loyalty oath = Student gets Communist reference removed from oath -- from The Arizona Republic

Ireland/UK: Hunt For Real IRA - Daily Record

2000-09-22 Thread hkb
Friday, September 22, 2000 HUNT FOR REAL IRA Police fear rocket attack on spy HQ was warning to Labour THE hunt was on last night for the Real IRA terrorists blamed for the rocket attack on MI6's London HQ. Experts said it was a publicity stunt by the dissident republicans, designed to

P.R.China: Political Struggle Continues

2000-09-22 Thread hkb
Published on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 WILLY WO LAP LAM Jiang surviving on shaky ground Jiang Zemin's political foes are taking advantage of the seemingly endless series


2000-09-21 Thread hkb
ANTI-FASCIST ACTION - OCTOBER RALLY Forthcoming Event - Sunday 1st October. Venue - The Lux Cinema, 2-4 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NU. (nearest tube Old Street) Starts 2pm. Admission Free. Debate:- 'CAN THE LEFT BEAT THE BNP?' Confirmed Speakers: CPGB, RED PEPPER (political editor), RED

UK: MI6 HQ Bombed - AP

2000-09-20 Thread hkb
Wednesday September 20 8:34 PM ET Blast Hits Britain's MI6 HQ By JILL LAWLESS, Associated Press Writer LONDON (AP) - At least one explosion went off at the headquarters of Britain's MI6 intelligence agency headquarters in central London late Wednesday, causing some damage but no casualties,

LALKAR: Sept/Oct 2000

2000-09-20 Thread hkb
LALKAR - Journal Of The Indian Workers Association (GB) == Lalkar is the bi-monthly newspaper of communists of Indian origin in the UK and contains news and analysis of current events and labour history from the perspective of

Germany: NPD Report - FAZ

2000-09-18 Thread hkb
'Germans First' Is What These Voters Like to Hear By Ulrike Moser EHRINGSHAUSEN. So she's the one, the person causing the stir. At first glance, she appears likable. Corpulent,

Colombia: ELN Bomb Oil Pipelines - Boston Globe

2000-09-18 Thread hkb
The Boston Globe Online Bombings cut into Colombian oil flow = By Kirk Semple, Globe Correspondent, 9/17/2000 BOGOTA - When rebel dynamite blew a hole in Colombia's

Germany: Berlin Bans Nazi Music Company - Times

2000-09-18 Thread hkb
GERMANY: ARTICLE ON BLOOD AND HONOUR BAN Reported in yesterday's online version of The Times Berlin outlaws neo-Nazi rock music company FROM ROGER BOYES IN BERLIN THE sinister Blood and Honour group, Europe's largest

Colombia: Heavy Fighting In North West - AP

2000-09-18 Thread hkb
Heavy Fighting Reported in Northwest Colombia = By Andrew Selsky Associated Press Writer BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Government troops were engaged in heavy combat Sunday against leftist rebels

Germany: Blood And Honour Banned - FAZ

2000-09-15 Thread hkb
## BLOOD AND HONOUR BANNED IN GERMANY Interior Ministry Bans Two Skinhead Groups By Albert Schäffer BERLIN. Interior Minister Otto Schily, hoping to stamp out right-wing extremist violence plaguing the country, banned the skinhead

Peoples Republic of China: Corruption Trials (AF-P)

2000-09-15 Thread hkb
[full article at ] Paris, Thursday, September 14, 2000 -- Secret Trials of Chinese Officials Begin === Agence France-Presse XIAMEN, China - Trials in the biggest

Socialist Labour Party Statement On Fuel Crisis

2000-09-14 Thread hkb
SOCIALIST LABOUR PARTY President: Frank Cave Vice-President: Linda Muir General Secretary: Arthur Scargill 9 Victoria Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2BB Answerphone/Fax: 01226-770957 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Press Release A CRISIS THAT

Far-Right Advance In Norway

2000-09-12 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) Far Right Advancing In Norway == The ultra rightists, with the absurd name "The Progressive party", gets support from nearly 30% of the population while neo-nazi group takes to the streets of Norway. By Tarald B. Ellingsen Who are the worst enemies of

New Sinn Fein Youth Website

2000-09-11 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) Camlough-Bessbrook Ógra Shinn Féin are pleased to announce their new website. The website remains at the same address, but has many new features and improvements - an has expanded greatly. Feel free to e-mail me with your comments about the site or any

(UK) Loyalists And Fascists Lobby Downing Street- Red Action

2000-09-11 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) LOYALISTS AND FASCISTS LOBBY DOWNING ST 9th September 2000 Armed with full colour

WSWS: Ex-RAF Man Joins Nazi's

2000-09-07 Thread hkb
WSWS : News Analysis : Europe : Germany Germany: Former left-wing radical Horst Mahler joins the neo-fascist NPD == By Max Rodenberg 1 September 2000 Berlin attorney Horst Mahler was a lawyer for the Extra-parliamentary Opposition (APO) at

FARC-EP: Clinton Go Home!

2000-09-02 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) CLINTON GO HOME! = Call of the Secretariat of the Central General Staff of FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Armed Forces of the People) on the occasion of the visit of the US President to Colombia, 23 August, 2000

Ozgur Tutsaklar/Free Captives- No5 July/August, 2000

2000-09-02 Thread hkb
OZGUR TUTSAKLAR / FREE CAPTIVES. === The Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist Prisoners Magazine. -- Issue 5 July/August, 2000

Devrimci Sol-Revolutionary Left magazine - New Edition

2000-09-02 Thread hkb
Against Imperialism And Oligarchy. DEVRIMCI SOL - Revolutionary Left. === Revolutionary Political Review About Turkey And Kurdistan. -- New Issue Available Now! Contents: -WHY ISOLATION CELLS? -THE CELL

New Worker - Weekly Digest - 01/09/00

2000-08-31 Thread hkb
=== The New Worker Weekly Newspaper Of The New Communist Party Of Britain. === New Worker Online Digest Week commencing 1st September, 2000. 1) Editorial - From steel to rust. 2) Lead story

Austria: Rally Against Clinton In Colombia - ILC

2000-08-31 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) More than 40 Organisations had called internationally for protests against Clintons visit to Colombia and the US war plan for Colombia. There were demonstrations in many cities in the United States, and in numerous Latin American countries the population took to the streets against

DHKC: Imperialist War Against Colombia

2000-08-30 Thread hkb

RW: The Real Story In Philly

2000-08-30 Thread hkb
Convention Confrontation: The real story in Philadelphia Revolutionary Worker #1066, August 13, 2000 = In preparation for the Republican National Convention, the power structure turned Philadelphia into a virtual police state in an attempt to make the

DHKC Aug.17 1999 Was A Massacre

2000-08-23 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: dhkc What Happened On August 17 (1999) Was Not A Natural Disaster, It Was A Massacre! THE STATE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MASSACRE, THIS WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN, OTHERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO FORGET, AND WE WILL DEMAND A RECKONING! Tens of thousands of

DHKC: Media Lies!

2000-08-23 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: dhkc DEVRIMCI HALK KURTULUS CEPHESI PRESS BUREAU August 20, 2000 No: 119 MEDIA LIES News was disseminated in the August 19 newspapers and broadcast on TV that three people had been arrested in an operation in Istanbul-Pendik, that they had carried

DHKC: Fehriye Must Live!

2000-08-23 Thread hkb
- Original Message - From: dhkc FEHRIYE IS ON THE 40TH DAY OF A HUNGER STRIKE FEHRIYE MUST LIVE, HER LIFE AND HER FREEDOM ARE CONNECTED On August 16, Fehriye Erdal was released from months of unjust imprisonment in jail and was placed under house arrest. The authorities who for

(FW): Anti-Nazi League Bulletin

2000-08-21 Thread hkb
Anti Nazi League PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ Tel: 020 7924 0333 Fax: 020 7924 0313 email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Press Release - 21 August 2000 ANL Mobilise in Nottingham and Leicester to stop the Nazi National Front

Sinn Fein - Irish News (Pt2) August 16-18,2000 - RM Distribution

2000-08-19 Thread hkb
IRISH NEWS ROUND-UP Wednesday-Friday, 16-18 August, 2000 PART 2 -- Feature: From the spiritual to the mundane "Two strangers looked up upon the self same star In a maze

Sinn Fein - Irish News (Pt1) 16-18 August 2000 - RM Distribution

2000-08-19 Thread hkb
IRISH NEWS ROUND-UP Wednesday-Friday, 16-18 August, 2000 PART 1 1. THREATENED BLOODY SUNDAY SOLDIER GETS PROTECTION 2. Loyalists urged to end violence 3. Flanagan seeks to pass on the RUC baton 4. Derry gang looking to 'take out' top nationalist

IRSCNA: Hunger Strike Commemoration Statement

2000-08-19 Thread hkb
(Forwarded) The Irish Republican Socialist Party will hold its annual hunger strike commemoration this Sunday, the 20th of August 2000, at the Republican Socialist plot in Derry City, in Ireland's occupied six counties. IRSCNA: Hunger Strike Commemoration Statement This year

Sinn Fein - Irish News (Pt1), 9-11 August

2000-08-16 Thread hkb
IRISH NEWS ROUND-UP Wednesday-Friday, 9-11 August, 2000 1. UFF RENEW THREAT TO SHOOT CATHOLICS 2. Derry agreement over main Apprentice Boys parade hailed 3. British Army patrol in Louth 4. Galway man wins legal battle but still faces eviction 5.

Re: Korean Central News Agency Aug 8

2000-08-11 Thread hkb
Personally I think the KCNA reports are one of the best things about Kominform - absolutly vital! (Also, web browsing is very expensive and time consuming) Keep them on, Heikki, regards, James. PS Glad to see you got the spamming sorted. Hope not too many people unsubbed because of it. -

ANL: Stop The NF In Leicester

2000-08-10 Thread hkb
Advance Notice: = No Nazis in Leicester: Stop the National Front march! Following their humiliation at the Unity Against Prejudice march in Leicester in July, the NF are threatening to march in the city again. The Anti-Nazi League is going to stop them. Saturday 26

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