>July 5, 2000
>Ken MacLeish,
>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                      Sarah Sloan
>Attention: Assignment Editor                         (212) 633-6646
New U.S. Demand for Iraq
>Inspections in August
Signal Possible Election-Year Ploy
The new UN commission for weapons inspections UNMOVIC, is preparing
>to enter Iraq in August. According to Former U.S. Marine Intelligence
>Colonel and weapons inspector Scott Ritter the new demand for inspection is
>a Clinton administration election ploy to provoke an escalation of bombing
>and a new round of open warfare against the people of Iraq. Ritter told the
>British newspaper. The Independent yesterday that the inspection team
>clearly had no realistic chance of being allowed into Iraq in August. Ritter
>was a member of the UNSCOM inspection team that was ejected from Iraq in
>December of 1998 after carrying out spy operations in collusion with the CIA
>and collecting target data for U.S. and British military forces.
>"The new commission, UNMOVIC, will not be allowed into Iraq in August,
>three months away from the election," said Ritter. "You have got a Vice
>President, Al Gore, trailing behind in the polls, and what better way to appear
>tough and switch attention away to a so-called foreign threat." Gore has said
>in campaign speeches that he had favored the continuation of all-out war
>against Iraq in 1998 when President Clinton moved to de-escalate the
>conflict. Ritter added that he expects the U.S. to draft Britain into the
>action as well, "to give it the appearance of something multilateral," since
>the UN Security Council is unlikely to approve military action against Iraq.
>Earlier this week, former UNSCOM head Richard Butler also predicted
>another U.S.-Iraq crisis. In a June 23 interview with Melbourne, Australian
>newspaper <italic>The Age, Butler echoed Ritter by predicting that "we'll
>probably have another Iraqi crisis on our hands" sometime in the next six
>"These statements indicate that Iraqi lives may once again become cannon
>fodder for U.S. politics," said Sara Flounders of the International Action
>Center. "The horrible irony here is that the U.S. has been waging a genocidal
>war on Iraq non-stop for the past ten years and the media has suppressed
>this." Flounders said that statement like these from political figures with an
>insider perspective on U.S. aggression against Iraq were an alarm call for the
>anti-war and anti-sanctions movement. "It's clear that a major attack may
>happen very soon," she said, "and we have to be ready to mobilize
>opposition to this further aggression. The UNSCOM team conducted over
>9,000 inspections in Iraq without finding any significant violations. Their
>expulsion was the Clinton administration's excuse for its 1998 renewal of
>hostilities against Iraq. Since then more than 21,600 U.S. and British
>warplanes have flown into Iraqi airspace. In addition to enforcing sanctions
>that have killed over a million Iraqis since 1990, there has been a bombing or
>missile attack on an average of once every three days. Now a further
>escalation is being planned.
>The Pentagon claims that it is merely patrolling the no-fly zones over
>northern and southern Iraq, and that the bombings are in response to radar
>locks from Iraqi anti-aricraft weapons. Their targets are mostly civilian
>infrastructure, including schools, roads, food, power and water facilities, and
>the oil wells that provide Iraq's only source of income. Pentagon officials
>admit that there is no strategic relationship between Iraqi "aggression" and
>these reprisal attacks. None of these activities have the approval of the UN
>Security Council.

>International Action Center
>39 West 14th Street, Room 206
>New York, NY 10011
>web: www.iacenter.org
>CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
>phone: 212 633-6646
>fax:   212 633-2889


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