>Subject: Demonstration for the Liberation of Jaime Yovanovic
>Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:19:12 +0200

>10th of August, 10.00, Partisan Square,
>Perugia, in front of the Prison
>Tomorrow we will know the date of Jaimes’ interrogation. If his immediate
>liberation is not conceded, we plan a hunger strike and a permanent protest
>assembly in front of the Prison of Perugia.
>All who support the call for the liberation of Jaime should send their
>declaration of solidarity today until 24 o’ clock.
>The list of supporters is growing constantly. Here only a small selection:
>·       Luigi Manconi, lawyer (Green Party)
>·       Paolo Ferrero (National Secretariat of Rifundfazione Comunista)
>·       Gianni Rognoni (International Foundation Lelio Basso for the Rights and
>Liberation of the Peoples)
>·       Don Vitaliano Della Sala (Priest of San Angelo a Scala)
>·       Giorgio Nebbia (ex-MP of  the Independent Left, docent on the
>of Bari)
>·       Dino Frisullo (Kurdistan Azad)
>The entire list will be published on our web-page: www.antiimperialista.com
>We call upon all the democrats and comrades who are worried about the
>destiny of Jaime, as well as all Chilean antifascists to give their support
>for the campaign to liberate Jaime and participate in the protests: Send
>your messages of solidarity to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Yesterday in the morning Giulino Pisapia made a parliamentary inquire to the
>Minister of Justice about the case.
>Beside the lawyer Fransescato Innamorati (ex-partisan), also the lawyer
>Simonetta Crisci, who always maintained close relations to the Chilean exile
>community is engaged in the defense of Jaime.
>Yesterday several interviews were given to Radio Popolare Milan, Radio Città
>Aperta Rom, Onda Rossa Rom, Onda d’Urto Brescia, Corriere dell’Umbria, Metro
>Rom, Libero Milan. TG1 spoke about the case in their 13.00 news, TG3 Umbria
>also gave a four minutes’ report. All the mass media of Umbria published the
>note of the arrest of Jaime. Tomorrow Il Mainfesto and Republica will
>publish articles on the case.
>Political Committee of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi 2000
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10


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