----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 3:44 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO] 3,000 Guardsmen, "Bio-ChemTerrorism" Team Deployed For L.A.


National Guard, unions set for LA convention
   LOS ANGELES, Aug. 8 (UPI) -- The California National Guard has 3,000
troops, including a biological-chemical terrorism response team, ready
for riot-control duty in Los Angeles during the Democratic National
 The Los Angeles Times said Tuesday that the Guard has three 1,000-man
response teams prepared to deploy to Los Angeles and be on the streets
within 24 hours should they be needed to help quell any civil
disturbance that might be too much for the Los Angeles police to handle
 "It is felt that they have enough law enforcement personnel available
to them to handle any problem," said Maj. Gen. Paul D. Monroe, the
Guard's adjutant general. "We would be negligent if we didn't plan for
any eventuality."
 Among the units is a Weapons of Mass Destruction outfit based in nearby
Los Alamitos that is trained to respond to terrorist attacks involving
chemical and biological weapons.
 The Guard last saw duty in Los Angeles in 1992 when rioting erupted
after a jury acquitted a group of white LAPD officers for the beating of
black motorist Rodney King.
 Police plan a major presence on the streets to keep convention
demonstrations under control. There will also be contingents of Los
Angeles County sheriff's deputies and California Highway Patrol officers
on hand; the county coroner's office has also canceled all leaves during
the convention.
 The Times said the Guard's contingency plan for the convention has
warned about the possibility that the hot August weather could lead to a
power outage or a heat emergency that could complicate law enforcement
 There will apparently be no union trouble to make things more
difficult. A deal was signed Monday to ensure that there would be no
labor picketing of the Staples Center or the delegate hotels during the
Aug. 14-17 convention.
 Seven unions, including hotel employees and concessions workers at
Staples Center, signed the agreement, which convention planners had been
seeking for several months.
 A few Los Angeles unions plan to stage demonstrations, however, either
before the convention, or in other parts of town -- including hotel
workers in Santa Monica and thousands of city and county teachers who
take a strike vote Tuesday at the Olympic Auditorium, not far from the
Staples Center.
(Reported by Hil Anderson, Los Angeles)

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